Daily Archives: December 1, 2013

Reader Quiz

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Shock News : Glaciers Were Receding During Hansen’s Coldest Year Ever

The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal  Wednesday 28 September 1910 Except over a small area, it is generally understood, the glaciers of the world are retreating to the mountains. The glacier on Mount Sermiento in South America, which descended to … Continue reading

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If You Like Our Broken Website, You Can Keep Our Broken Website

White House Claims ‘Dramatic Progress’ on Health Site Administration Officials Acknowledged ‘More Work to Be Done’ White House Claims ‘Dramatic Progress’ on Health Site – WSJ.com Crack software experts are working on a way to retroactively make Obama’s repeated lies … Continue reading

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Obama Would Call Him A “Teabagger”

Ben Franklin was an original tea party member, which Obama refers to by the sexually perverse name of “teabaggers.” Ben Franklin warned us about Obama. He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. Honesty is … Continue reading

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New York Needs To Ban High Capacity Trains

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Four people were killed and 63 injured when a Metro-North commuter train derailed Sunday morning in the Bronx, officials said. All of the train’s seven cars came off the curved track about 100 feet north of … Continue reading

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CO2 Affects Green’s Brains

Greens like Obama prefer fracking and wind farms to coal. If they had an ounce of brains in their head, they would realize that coal is far less environmentally destructive and much more localized, than either fracking or wind farms. … Continue reading

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1936 Shock News : The Hockey Stick Is Garbage

Between A.D. 450 and 1000, the weather was much warmer and drier than it is now. During that time the Northmen constantly invaded England. The North Sea was generally calm, and their voyages were easy. What is more, they rowed … Continue reading

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Gaia Sends Katherine Another Christmas Present

One of our two favorite evangelical Christian climate liars was treated to a record early snowfall last week, and next she gets record cold. Steve Goddard (SteveSGoddard) on Twitter

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Introducing Disruptive Thoughts Into The Borg

Mean Old Man Winter steps down from the North early: Will he stick around? The US set nearly 1,000 record cold temps over the Thanksgiving break, suggesting to some that the Old Farmer’s Almanac may be right about its prediction … Continue reading

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Constitution Was Written To Protect Us From Obama

“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who … Continue reading

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