Daily Archives: December 9, 2013

If You Like Your Obamacare, You Can Keep Your Obamacare. Period.

Members of Congress shocked to discover health care system sucks

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America’s Most Famous Heisman Trophy Winner

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Gallup Poll Shows That 41% Of Americans Have Difficulty Thinking Clearly

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

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Learning To Think Like A Progressive

Simply invert logic, and purge your brain of any rational thought. Then you are a full blown progressive. December 9, 2013 at 9:18 pm

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Ninety Years Ago, All Of The Glaciers In France Disappearing

Must have been the 310 PPM CO2. 26 Mar 1923 – ELECTRICITY FROM A GLACIER.

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1951 : All Of The World’s Glaciers Melting – Some Have Disappeared

Don’t scoff when you hear an old timer say: “Summers are hot- ter than they used to be.” This remark could once have been classed with “Stairs are steeper than they used to be,” and “Young people are wilder than … Continue reading

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NOAA Calls For A Warm Winter In The South

NOAA’s 2013-14 Winter Outlook Nov 21, 2013 warmer-than-average temperatures this winter are expected from the Desert Southwest into the Southern Plains and Deep South. NOAA’s 2013-14 Winter Outlook  Mild South – weather.com Save Money This Winter Two weeks later, the … Continue reading

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It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell – When The LA Times Tells The Truth

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @latimes Still waiting for …

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US Government Goes Completely Off The Rails

A WOMAN was “appalled, shocked and embarrassed” when her stuffed monkey’s five centimetre pistol was confiscated at airport security in the US. King5 News reports that Phyllis May was travelling from St Louis to Seattle and had a couple of … Continue reading

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Mann-Made Global Warming Arrives In Colorado

The missing heat is really starting to kick into overdrive. Fort Collins Weather Station Data Plots

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