Daily Archives: December 6, 2013

Alarmist Blogger Admits That The “97% Consensus” Is Bullshit

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @wottsupwiththat @dana1981 …

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Posting Facts Violates Guardian’s Community Standards

This is the comment they removed : 06 December 2013 4:16pm

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72 Tea Party Patriots Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Boston

Seventy-two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston! Boston – National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were … Continue reading

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Leading Climate Scientists In 1981 : America Will Be “Begging For International Crumbs “

Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Aug 16, 1981 Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Google News Archive Search

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Canadian Crack Head Smarter Than US Crack Head

Ford said that in Canada, the country “can’t afford” their universal health coverage. “What you guys are doing down there, I just, I can’t get my head around it because it’s costing a fortune, and I don’t know where you … Continue reading

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Lies, Damned Lies, And Obama

US unemployment falls to lowest level for five years as 203,000 jobs added | Business | theguardian.com What great news! Except that it is complete bullshit. They counted the return of furloughed government workers as “new jobs” The figures from … Continue reading

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Missing Arctic Sea Ice Located

There is a thin sliver of missing sea ice in the Arctic. N_daily_extent.png (420×500) Scientists have been unable to find this, but fortunately my dogs have located it here in Colorado.

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Can We Shoot For 40 Degrees?

Hansen says that 2ºC warming would be disastrous, but I really need about 40 degrees warming in my neighborhood today. James Hansen: 2C temperature rise would be “disastrous”

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Doctors

One million Californians who lose their individual plans in 2014 know that’s not true; when many saw their new premiums, they experienced “sticker shock.” Next comes “doc shock” — the revelation that many folks also won’t be able to keep … Continue reading

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Morning Aggie Joke

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @AndrewDessler In 2011 you …

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