Daily Archives: December 13, 2013

Centennial, Colorado Has One Of The Lowest Crime Rates In The US

Uniform Crime Reports of Centennial Pol and Index from 1985 to 2005 Littleton Public Schools have locked entrances with guards. How did the shooter get into the school with a shotgun?

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As I Predicted Last Week

Someone is shooting at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado. My son’s school in Littleton is on lockdown. If I Ran A School ….

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If You Like Your Communist President, You Can Keep Your Communist President


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Model T’s / Packards Caused 10 Degrees Of Arctic Warming

Twitter / Pt_Credit_voter: “@SteveSGoddard: Arctic warmed …

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Obamacare Was Better Off When The Website Wasn’t Working

Health economists and insurance companies have warned that unless significant numbers of young adults enroll in the commercial plans being sold under the Affordable Care Act, the plans could be financially unsustainable. In a more worrisome trend, Californians aged 45 … Continue reading

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1895 : Winter Bush Fires Devastated NSW

Remember when team climate scum told us in October that bush fires never used to happen this early? 13 Sep 1895 – THE NEW SOUTH WALES DROUGHT. IMMENSE AND WIDESPR…

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Fires Getting Worse

  Fire season tamer than expected; U.S. burn acreage far below average – latimes.com

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No Mass School Shootings In Israel For 40 Years

See if you can spot the subtle difference.

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NASA Hiding The Decline In US Temperatures

In order to hide America’s hot past, NASA has knocked 0.7ºC off 1934 temperatures relative to 1998. Graph shows their 1998 version in red, and current version in blue – normalized to 1998.

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Romm’s Permanent Southwest Drought Disappears

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