Monthly Archives: December 2013

1982 : Global Warming To Bring Lions And Elephants To England, And Drown Major Cities

Dr. Hansen said the probability was that a warmer climate would make some places wetter while others were likely to be drier than today, but that it was too early to say which effects any given region would experience. Several … Continue reading

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1982 : Hansen Said Mann-Made Global Warming Set To Begin

WARMING OF WORLD’S CLIMATE EXPECTED TO BEGIN IN THE 80’S WASHINGTON, Jan. 6— Mankind’s activities in increasing the amount of carbon dioxide and other chemicals in the atmosphere can be expected to have a substantial warming effect on climate, with the … Continue reading

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1981 : Crack Government Scientists Announced That Venus Has A Thin Atmosphere

The orbiting spacecraft sampled Venus’ atmosphere from top to bottom, enabling the scientists to establish the exact amounts of sunlight absorbed at various places in the atmosphere and at the surface. Measurements of atmosphere composition, temperature profiles and radiative heating … Continue reading

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You May Be Wondering ….

You may be wondering ….. why all the old New York Times articles? It is because Google has disabled searching their newspaper archives .

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Climate Scientists – In Their Fourth Decade Looking For The Missing Heat

SOME POLAR ICE MELTING LINKED TO GLOBAL HEATING By WALTER SULLIVAN January 8, 1982 The Federal agency’s scientists cited an estimate by Dr. K.O. Emery of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution that over 40 years the seas had risen more … Continue reading

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Obama Sure He Will Have Even Better Ideas Than $17 Trillion Debt, Obamacare, Skyrocketing Electricity Prices, Nuclear Iran, Constant Lying, IRS Abuse, Fast And Furious And Benghazi Next Year

“The end of the year is always a good time to reflect and see what can you do better next year,” Obama said Friday. “I’m sure that I will have even better ideas after a couple days of sleep and … Continue reading

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Major Shock News : In 1975, NOAA Boulder Actually Had A Legitimate Scientist

Theory of ‘Greenhouse Effect’ Of Sun’s Rays Is Challenged – View Article –

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Shock News : Obama Lied* About Climate Science

A better candidate for prison, actually, would be whoever tweets under the name @BarackObama. When he Tweeted: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous” he was promulgating a demonstrable untruth. No one has ever doubted … Continue reading

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Snowball Earth In 892 Years

Antarctic sea ice has been above normal for the last 761 days, and increasing at a rate of 700,000 Manhattans per century. Using standard climate science math, the Earth’s oceans will be completely covered with ice in 892 +/- 10.346 … Continue reading

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1983 : Snow Was A Thing Of The Past In New York

November 2, 1983 The recent forecast by the Environmental Protection Agency that a general warming of the earth’s atmosphere will occur during the next decades has sent shivers all along the East Coast. In Florida they are afraid that the … Continue reading

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