Monthly Archives: December 2013

Obama Reduces The US Population By A Factor Of 1,000

That is about half the population of Wyoming. The US population is 365,000,000.

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Obama’s Extraordinary Negotiating Skills

Obama is happy to give away the farm to Iran and Cuba, but refuses to negotiate with anyone who disagrees with him in the US. Obama shows off his skills by calling the bitter, flat earth, religion and gun clinging, … Continue reading

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Understanding The Obama Apology Tour

Obama wasn’t apologizing for things that past presidents did. He was apologizing in advance for what he was going to do.

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Celebrating 25 Years of Idiotic Hurricane Forecasts

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Obama To End Ugly Partisanship In Washington

August 23, 2008 After decades — after decades of steady work across the aisle, I know he’ll be able to help me turn the page on the ugly partisanship in Washington so we can bring Democrats and Republicans together to … Continue reading

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Government Scientists Couldn’t Find Any Climate Change, So They Simply Manufactured It

U.S. Data Since 1895 Fail To Show Warming Trend New York Times Published: January 26, 1989 After examining climate data extending back nearly 100 years, a team of Government scientists has concluded that there has been no significant change in … Continue reading

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Massive Growth In Older, Thicker Arctic Sea Ice

Three years ago, David Barber declared that all the multi-year ice was gone in the Arctic, and Mark Serreze said it wasn’t coming back. For some reason, people still listen to them.

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Time For A Team Huddle

NOAA should have warned Time Magazine in advance, that they were going to lie about November temperatures being hot. Temperatures Were Colder in November, But Climate Change Continues | It is very embarrassing when alarmists can’t keep their story … Continue reading

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Eight Years After The Passage Of Arnie’s Carbon Tax, California Is Reaping The Rewards

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Let’s Pretend This Isn’t Important

James Holmes was studying drug induced alternate reality at the University of Colorado, and his father works for DARPA.

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