Monthly Archives: December 2013

New York Daily News Morphs Shotgun Into AR-15 And Declares Claire Dead

Note the caption above the picture about AR-15’s hunting people. Then they declare Claire to be dead. Karl Pierson, 18  was able to legally buy a pump-action shotgun that he used to fatally shoot Claire Davis, 17, in the head … Continue reading

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In Case You Forgot For A Minute That NASA Climate Science Is A Complete Fraud

In 1923, glaciers and the North Pole were melting 07 Apr 1923 – NORTH POLE MELTING. CHANGE OF CLIMATE. MANY GLAC… Forty years later, glaciers were growing – for the first time in 200 years.   18 Jul 1963 – … Continue reading

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Perhaps McCain Wants To Bomb Ukraine Now?

Last we heard he was pushing to bomb Syria. He must have gotten bored with that. Senators McCain, Murphy join massive Ukraine anti-government protest, threaten sanctions | Fox News

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New York Times December 15, 2012 : Lanza Used Handguns

Correction: December 15, 2012 An earlier version of this article suggested that the gunman in the Connecticut shooting used a rifle to carry out the shootings inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School. In fact, according to law enforcement, the guns … Continue reading

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The First Step Is To Disarm The Future Victims

What Will The Armenian Genocide Centennial Accomplish? | Asbarez Armenian News

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Hard Core Anti-Gun Socialist Obama Supporter Goes On School Gun Rampage – Press Has Nothing To Say

Almost all of these shooters are looney leftists. Every week, president Obama shows America that under his watch, progressives are above the law, and that the end justifies the means.

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With Polar Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record, Phil Plait Says The Poles Are Losing Ice

We’re Still Losing Ice at the Poles By Phil Plait One of the key indicators and consequences of global warming is ice loss at the Earth’s poles. As the planet warms, on average and over time, every summer more ice … Continue reading

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Eh Lawrence


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1936 : Dr. Denier Blamed Extreme Weather And Suicide On Sunspots

Deniers have been skeptics for almost 80 years. 28 Jan 1936 – SUNSPOTS Their Effect on Earth Medical Congress’…

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This Is Who The Progressive Leftist Scumbag Shot On Friday

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