@BryanWalsh : Arctic Melting Faster And Slower Than Expected

ScreenHunter_1538 Jan. 11 19.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to @BryanWalsh : Arctic Melting Faster And Slower Than Expected

    • gator69 says:

      “Using Figure 6, the exact value for climate warming is 0.58°C.

      How does this figure compare to the current discussion? This figure is in agreement withLindzen and Choi of MIT [3]. These two scientists quantified the climate sensitivity at 0.5°C using satellite data, i.e. real observations and not dubious computer simulations.

      Hermann Harde [4] found a climate sensitivity of 0.62°C using spectroscopic examinations and model calculations.


      The minimal effect of CO2 on climate is not surprising. This is confirmed by both theory and by actual observations and measurements.”

      That’s the sound of models being smashed, now wait for the wailing.

  1. Studiodad says:

    The arctic needs more blankets AND less blankets!


  2. Sundance says:

    It wasn’t too long ago Walsh was claiming that the cold air was moving North in the USA and increased storms.

    “But there have been hints that it was coming. The 2009 U.S. Climate Impacts Report found that large-scale cold-weather storm systems have gradually tracked to the north in the U.S. over the past 50 years. While the frequency of storms in the middle latitudes has decreased as the climate has warmed, the intensity of those storms has increased. That’s in part because of global warming — hotter air can hold more moisture, so when a storm gathers it can unleash massive amounts of snow. Colder air, by contrast, is drier; if we were in a truly vicious cold snap, like the one that occurred over much of the East Coast during parts of January, we would be unlikely to see heavy snowfall.”

    Read more: Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change – TIME http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1962294,00.html#ixzz2qCGOrSvk

    Now, only 4 years later it seems that cold air has changed its mind and wants to spend time in the Southern USA and is causing more storms. Walsh seems capable of being unable to recognize conflicting information and accept that black is white. if it fits the story of the day.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    Perhaps Dorothy can get scarecrow Bryan a brain?

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