Democrats Say 0.0001 Mole Fraction CO2 Will Disrupt Geology

Senate Democrats outlined the potential for large-scale economic and geological disruption from climate change — and insisted that the U.S. must act immediately.

  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said the evidence of climate change is already being witnessed in more acidic oceans and rising seas. “Our sea levels are rising,” he said. “It’s not complicated. You measure that with a yardstick.”

Fuel Fix » Senators duel over climate change

Sea level has risen as much in the San Francisco Bay over the last 70 years, as the Senator’s IQ.  Zero.

ScreenHunter_1896 Jan. 16 18.55

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Democrats Say 0.0001 Mole Fraction CO2 Will Disrupt Geology

  1. This idiot thinks you can measure sea level with a yardstick. Unbelievable. I can imagine that piece of shit wading into the ocean on a beach somewhere, yardstick in hand, not knowing whether it’s high tide, low tide, eb tide, spring tide, waves crashing and washing back, foaming, trying to get an accurate measurement of the sea level. This is the type of piece of shit talking about science as if it were some sort of joke, lying about the climate to extort tax dollars, while the real scientists are given pink slips and put on black lists because they know that everything the IPCC says is utter bullshit.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    Tides are about 5.5′ at Newport. Maybe he is confusing tides and sea level rise.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Climate Change, the case of missing brains: We now have idiots infiltrating the CAA

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Why is it always the most extreme left wing nut jobs that are seen aggressively pushing climate change?

    Take Sheldon Whitehouse, a statist buffoon, he is one of the most left wing senators ever to, unfortunately, go to Washington. The man has no qualms about aligning himself with admitted communists like the Occupy movement founder Van Jones. That figures, it seems that the buzz among the climate clowns is that they are all enthralled with the idea of turning the good old USA into a communist dictatorship. Is that what we want? Yeah, it’s important, very important, that we stop these maniacal warmist loons cold.

  5. gator69 says:

    Sheldon just needs to have a word with Hank Johnson, who could tell him Rhode Island’s real danger isn’t flooding, it’s tipping.

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