How Will We Know When Obama Fixes The Climate?

Obama says that global warming produces more cold winters.

After he fixes the climate, how will we tell the difference between a Mann-made cold winter, and a Barack Obama healed the planet cold winter?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to How Will We Know When Obama Fixes The Climate?

  1. I’m sure they will let you know. Press conferences, Nobel Prizes, that sort of thing.

  2. gator69 says:

    Just then the announcement of a glorious victory over Climate Change came over the telescreen. Though Winston did not rush out into the streets, mentally he was joining in with the cheering crowds. The face of Big Brother loomed large over the announcement and Winston felt his eyes fill with tears of joy and reconciliation. The last lesson had been learnt. “He loved Big Brother.”

  3. stewart pid says:

    It is all interesting isn’t it … it was normally cold in winter and then CO2 warmed all so much that snow was a thing of the past but then CO2 caused it all to get cold by climate change and so if we cut CO2 emissions it will get cold again … all feels somewhat circular doesn’t it.

  4. Bob Knows says:

    You will know its “fixed” when O’Dumbo has taken 100% of all our money.

  5. Ben says:

    RE: After he fixes the climate, how will we tell the difference between a Mann-made cold winter, and a Barack Obama healed the planet cold winter?

    When he orders the icebreakers to stand down, when China stops distributing soot, when the next huge volcanic eruption ejects aerosols into the stratosphere, when GISS/NCDC/CRU rediscover the raw data…

  6. Pathway says:

    Maybe we should move his prison cell from GITMO to Brainerd.

  7. Robertv says:

    When he can say I’m the Emperor of the United States’


  8. bwdave says:

    It isn’t meant to be fixed. The lack of progress will keep being used to promote more action and justify tighter rationing of dwindling energy supplies.

  9. gofer says:

    Thet forgot to mention warm causes cold while pushing the hellish heat for years? Oops.

  10. Scarface says:

    Obviously they don’t want it to be fixed, otherwise the current cooling would be received as a good thing. But it gets labeled as a sure sign of warming.

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