Monthly Archives: January 2014

Spectacular January Data Tampering By Our Friends At NCDC

NCDC turns a strong January cooling trend (orange) into a strong January warming trend (blue) by simply altering the data. The tampering trend since 1930 is an impressive 2.9 degrees per century. Enron accountants would blush at such blatant fraud.

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If You Like Your Dark Ages, You Can Keep Your Dark Ages

In the 16th century, the Pope declared scientific truth. Now Barack Obama does it. March 9, 2009 Obama: science should trump politics The goal, the president said: “To ensure that in this new administration, we base our public policies on … Continue reading

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This Is Not A Dictatorship

In the United States, the president does not declare politically motivated scientific truth, and shut down essential industries based on his idiotic ideas which he understands nothing about. That is the kind of crap which goes on in third world … Continue reading

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Dimwitted President Who Doesn’t Know Enough To Participate In The Debate, Says The Debate Is Over

‘Climate change is a fact,’ Obama declares | TheHill If he debated “climate change” he would get his ass kicked all the way back to Kenya. So instead behaves like a infant and simply declares that he won the fight.

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Book Your Antarctic Vacation Now

Temperatures peaked at -17C a few weeks ago, and are starting to plummet down to the -40’s. Charter your global warming boat right away, with Professor Chris Turney as your spiritual leader. Weather History for Vostok, #HISTORY.statename | Weather Underground

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Shock News : “U.S. Agencies Accused of Fudging Data to Show Global Warming”

U.S. Agencies Accused of Fudging Data to Show Global Warming

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With Russia 10C Below Normal, Climate Geniuses Announce That Global Warming Threatens The Winter Olympics

Global Warming Threatens Winter Olympics, a Win for Polar Bears, Corporations Care About Climate, Too | OnEarth Magazine 10-Day Temperature Outlook

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NASA : New Ice Age Begins In Seven Years

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Another Brainless Wonder At The Washington Post

Dana Milbank: After Columbia mall shooting, no closer to gun control reforms – The Washington Post Maryland passed some of the worst gun confiscation laws in the country last year, and the governor bragged about it. Milbank is a flagrant … Continue reading

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Washington Post Says That Extreme Cold Is Caused By Extreme Heat

Eugene Robinson: Global warming’s impact can’t be ignored – The Washington Post

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