I tried to think of something to write…I can’t. Words escape me. I sincerely hope that if or when they are extracted safely, they might have some small consideration for the lives, time and resources put at risk and diverted from other duties to save their butts. I feel a great deal of sympathy for the captain. If I can make assumptions based on the nature of the videos, the tweets and the prose emanating from the stricken ship, I hope he/she wasn’t compromised on the decision making based on the foolishness, self-righteousness and hubris of his/her self-loading cargo.
This is still a comical, small-scale reminder of the danger of policies and actions based on unreliable or blatantly false, consensus “models of reality”, like
1. von Weizsacker’s seriously flawed model of “nuclear binding energy” and
2. Fred Hoyle’s 1946 SSM “standard solar model of hydrogen-filled stars
The far more serious consequences of government policies based on these unreliable models of the cores of atoms and stars were the reason for a one-page message to the Congressional Space Science and Technology Committee asking WHY these two unreliable models became official scientific dogma after the end of the Second World War.
They’ll be fine as long as they brought enough I Love Lucy reruns for the duration. I hope they brought enough champaign, but I wonder where they’ll find the ice.
An American icebreaker is supposedly 8-9 days from arriving. How many ships might be trapped in thick ice by the time it arrives? Or will summer inn the Antarctic show before then? Stay tuned for another episode of: ‘As The Ice Churns’, involving our intrepid AGW explorers.
When last seen our heroes were bravely stomping ice to make a landing spot for a helicopter. What will happen next!? Do not miss the next exciting episode of ‘As The Ice Churns’. A Mann-Hansen-Cook Production.
1898 Electrical coast weapon-
Perhaps this could free the ship?
“strike a blow of 50,000 foot tons three times a second. It will strike six times, and then in a minute and a half will strike six more” http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/printArticleJpg/3201629/3?print=n
Is this why they bought the tourists and journos along? In case they ran out of food? If I were the guardian journos, I wouldn’t wait to find out. I’d start walking and putting as many km’s between me and the hungry warmists. How would they draw straws? The one with the least number of peer reviewed CAGW papers to be sacrificed first?
I’m guessing that ANY dog would be smarter than ALL these drop-kicks combined, and therefore would be smart enough either to stay home or keep out of their way.
And do you seriously think any of these drop-kicks would have to first clue how to kill, clean, and cook a dog?
“We found that it was worth while spending some time in boiling the dogs’ meat thoroughly. Thus a tasty soup was prepared as well as a supply of edible meat in which the muscular tissue and the gristle were reduced to the consistency of a jelly. The paws took longest of all to cook, but, treated to lengthy stewing, they became quite digestible.” The Home of the Blizzard, by Sir Douglas Mawson, D.Sc., B.E.
These “Spirit of Mawson” fools are not worthy of Mawson but they have a “Southern” Chef onboard. I hope they make it out alive so we can mock them in good conscience.
Where are the headlines about these idiots on warmist sites? There was a site that was abbreviated to SS a year or two back. Is it still there? If they are still operating,maybe they can explain to me how warming has increased ice from Mawson’s expedition. Mawson’s did it O.K. What’s wrong with these idiots? All the modern technology in the world and they are stuck in ice? Why do I find that hard to believe? Words fail me.
Dear me.
Truly, you couldn’t make it up!
Chopper “rescue” is underway according to Australian ABC.
Hope it doesn’t end up like these.
Hope it doesn’t end up like these.
I assume you mean because it would waste some expensive, sophisticated flying technology?
I tried to think of something to write…I can’t. Words escape me. I sincerely hope that if or when they are extracted safely, they might have some small consideration for the lives, time and resources put at risk and diverted from other duties to save their butts. I feel a great deal of sympathy for the captain. If I can make assumptions based on the nature of the videos, the tweets and the prose emanating from the stricken ship, I hope he/she wasn’t compromised on the decision making based on the foolishness, self-righteousness and hubris of his/her self-loading cargo.
This is still a comical, small-scale reminder of the danger of policies and actions based on unreliable or blatantly false, consensus “models of reality”, like
1. von Weizsacker’s seriously flawed model of “nuclear binding energy” and
2. Fred Hoyle’s 1946 SSM “standard solar model of hydrogen-filled stars
The far more serious consequences of government policies based on these unreliable models of the cores of atoms and stars were the reason for a one-page message to the Congressional Space Science and Technology Committee asking WHY these two unreliable models became official scientific dogma after the end of the Second World War.
You know, and I know, that NASA:
1. Manipulates some data (Global temperature data for 1936), and
2. Hides other data (Xenon isotope data from the Galileo Mission to Jupiter).
We have clear and unequivocal evidence of that. We do not yet have, but I strongly suspect that NASA has been hiding for decades
3. Evidence the chemical composition (e.g., O/Fe ratio) of the photosphere changes as the degree of mass-fractionation changes across isotopes
_a.) See changing isotope ratios of Kr & Xe in the solar wind: http://www.omatumr.com/Data/1972Data1.htm
_b.) See changes in degree of solar stratification over the 11-year solar cycle: http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/astro-ph/0510111v1.pdf
_c.) See high abundances of trans-iron elements released in abrupt solar flares:http://epact2.gsfc.nasa.gov/don/00HiZ.pdf
_d.) See “strange” oxygen in the Sun: http://www.omatumr.com/abstracts2005/StrangeOxygen.pdf
They’ll be fine as long as they brought enough I Love Lucy reruns for the duration. I hope they brought enough champaign, but I wonder where they’ll find the ice.
Champaign is a place in Illinois.
Too delicious!
An American icebreaker is supposedly 8-9 days from arriving. How many ships might be trapped in thick ice by the time it arrives? Or will summer inn the Antarctic show before then? Stay tuned for another episode of: ‘As The Ice Churns’, involving our intrepid AGW explorers.
When last seen our heroes were bravely stomping ice to make a landing spot for a helicopter. What will happen next!? Do not miss the next exciting episode of ‘As The Ice Churns’. A Mann-Hansen-Cook Production.
1898 Electrical coast weapon-
Perhaps this could free the ship?
“strike a blow of 50,000 foot tons three times a second. It will strike six times, and then in a minute and a half will strike six more”
Is this why they bought the tourists and journos along? In case they ran out of food? If I were the guardian journos, I wouldn’t wait to find out. I’d start walking and putting as many km’s between me and the hungry warmists. How would they draw straws? The one with the least number of peer reviewed CAGW papers to be sacrificed first?
And don’t believe the warmists who say they are vegetarian! That’s just to put you off your guard.
It looks like that Green Party senator on this non-partisan strictly scientific expedition could stand to lose a little weight.
I hope the crew on the Chinese icebreaker have enough reruns of ???~?? and enough bottles of jiuoo for the duration.
I’m guessing that ANY dog would be smarter than ALL these drop-kicks combined, and therefore would be smart enough either to stay home or keep out of their way.
And do you seriously think any of these drop-kicks would have to first clue how to kill, clean, and cook a dog?
Safety tip: don’t eat the liver.
Like the Syrians?
“We found that it was worth while spending some time in boiling the dogs’ meat thoroughly. Thus a tasty soup was prepared as well as a supply of edible meat in which the muscular tissue and the gristle were reduced to the consistency of a jelly. The paws took longest of all to cook, but, treated to lengthy stewing, they became quite digestible.” The Home of the Blizzard, by Sir Douglas Mawson, D.Sc., B.E.
These “Spirit of Mawson” fools are not worthy of Mawson but they have a “Southern” Chef onboard. I hope they make it out alive so we can mock them in good conscience.
Where are the headlines about these idiots on warmist sites? There was a site that was abbreviated to SS a year or two back. Is it still there? If they are still operating,maybe they can explain to me how warming has increased ice from Mawson’s expedition. Mawson’s did it O.K. What’s wrong with these idiots? All the modern technology in the world and they are stuck in ice? Why do I find that hard to believe? Words fail me.
FYI – Winnipeg
From CBC News
This December’s average temperature so far is close to –21 C. That is only about the fifth coldest ever.
The three coldest Decembers for Winnipeg are:
1879: –26.0 C
1872: –22.6? C
2000: –22.0 C?
1876: –21.8
1893: –21.4
So until they finalize the stats, two of the six coldest have been in 2000 and 2013. I like when the writer said “only”.
Link to the article. I know, I know, it says three coldest and proceeds to name five.The sad state of journalism.
What will their grandchildren think of them when they read about these exploits in the future?
Ice Wedding Time:
There you go.
That’s what happens when you let people fly planes whose legs don’t reach all the way down to the floor.
Some have been airlifted to an ice floe next to the Australian ship – the Chinese ice breaker is itself stuck in the ice !
Are climate ‘experts’ smarter than a fifth grader?
“Time To Start Eating The Dogs?”
Maybe Obama will send some recipes.