April 29 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record – Highest In 32 Years

ScreenHunter_101 May. 01 12.51arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.global.anom.1979-2008

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to April 29 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record – Highest In 32 Years

  1. BobW in NC says:

    Hmmm… Do I detect an upward trend showing ever increasing global sea ice? It is not sine qua non evidence, but it is certainly consistent with all the other data you publish, Steve, showing a global cooling trend.

  2. I think (correct me if I’m wrong) this as as far back as we have satellite records for sea ice… and just as a casual observer I’d say that it looks like a couple of high outliers, and a couple of low outliers that taken together really don’t change the mean much, and otherwise the mean looks like it hangs around 18.75-ish. We don’t have a long record to compare it to, but it kinda looks like what I’d call an emerging picture of normal variation.

  3. Jim says:


    Can you break this down into Arctic and Antarctic graphs?

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