Monthly Archives: May 2014

1951 Shock News : Solar Activity Caused The Great Salt Lake To Lose Half Its Volume

In 1951, increased solar activity caused lakes to vanish, glaciers to shrink, and frightened birds. 15 Oct 1951 – WORLD IS WARMER Glaciers Melting Climate scientists are much smarter now, and know that the Sun does not actually influence the … Continue reading

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Six Years Since President Obama Slowed The Rise Of The Oceans

He slowed the oceans and healed the planet six years ago, so why does he say that the climate is getting worse? [youtube=]

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Never Again!

These poor people lost their city 9,000 years ago to sea level rise, because they just weren’t smart enough to build windmills or implement a carbon tax. We can do better, because we have wise men like Michael Mann, Prince … Continue reading

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Scientists Recycling Scare Stories

Today’s scare of the day is that Antarctica is going to collapse and drown us all – in about 1,000 years. Scientists told exactly the same story in 1922 29 Apr 1922 – ANOTHER FLOOD

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The Low CO2 Efficiency Of A Centrally Planned Economy

North Koreans are already enjoying the Obama low CO2, government planned economy.

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Let’s Do The Math

Burning natural gas produces half as much CO2 as coal. The US has about 500 coal fired power plants. If Obama shut them all down, and they were replaced by gas power plants, that would reduce the amount of CO2 … Continue reading

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Understanding How To Do Arctic Science

The world’s leading polar experts (including Al Gore) based their Arctic knowledge around two carefully cherry picked dates in 2007 and 2012.

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Sea Level Rise Targets Democrats First

If sea level rose 50 feet, there wouldn’t be very many Democrats left   Since people arrived in America 20,000 years ago, sea level has risen 400 feet.

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St. Lawrence Seaway Obliterates Their Ice Record

The first ship through the St. Lawrence Seaway was more than a month later than the previous record. First saltie needs help through the ice | River Towns h/t to Bob Koss NOAA says many years were colder in that region, … Continue reading

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Should Sea Level Rise Include Sea Level Rise?

Experts tell us that Antarctica is collapsing and raising sea levels drastically. The San Francisco Bay has seen zero sea level rise in 75 years.   Data and Station Information for ALAMEDA (NAVAL AIR STATION) The Ross Ice Shelf retreated … Continue reading

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