Monthly Archives: August 2014

NASA – Erasing The Arctic Past

In 1950, everyone knew about the massive warming in the Arctic 18 Feb 1952 – Melting Icecaps Mystery 06 May 1940 – Greenland’s Climate Becoming Milder 31 Oct 1950 – THINGS WARMING UP IN GREENLAND Even NASA/NOAA knew about it … Continue reading

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Arctic Is Screaming At Mark

A few years ago, Mark Serreze announced that the death spiral Arctic is screaming and had become as “ice island.” The North Pole becomes an ‘island’ for the first time in history as ice melts By FIONA MACRAE UPDATED: 18:32 … Continue reading

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Understanding Progressive Math

Our green friends are killing about a quarter of a million birds per year at just one solar plant, and report it as “about a thousand” California’s massive Ivanpah solar power plant can produce enough electricity for 140,000 households — … Continue reading

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Arctic Melt Season Almost Over

Red shows ice loss over the last three days, green shows gain. Melt has almost stopped for the summer. The next two maps show the increase in ice since 2007 and 2012

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Ban High Capacity Dinosaurs

Student arrested for conspiracy to murder a dinosaur. A 16-year-old Summerville High School student says he was arrested Tuesday morning and suspended after writing about killing a dinosaur using a gun. Alex Stone said he and his classmates were told … Continue reading

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“It Is Not A Black Vs. White Problem”

I had a long discussion today with an immigrant from the Caribbean. She moved to Baltimore in 1990, and taught in the public schools there for several years, until her husband insisted that she quit. Every day as a teacher she was … Continue reading

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Our Amazing New Store

Check out the view at our brand new Whole Foods Market in Columbia, MD. What a fabulous place!

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Something To Look Forward To

After learning about the great joys of living in Islamic dominated countries, it becomes clear why progressive European governments have set down the path to become Muslim dominated within a generation.

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Begonia Update

My Begonia appears to have survived NOAA’s hottest and most extreme year on record!

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What I Learned Yesterday

Yesterday, readers taught me that I shouldn’t enjoy life because I blog too much I shouldn’t enjoy soccer I shouldn’t enjoy the opening of Whole Foods today. See – I don’t have a TV so I don’t know which things I … Continue reading

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