On this date in 1953, it was an unbelievable 101 degrees at Indianola, Iowa. September days over 100 degrees used to be fairly common there, but they haven’t had one in over 60 years.
For the entire year, the frequency of 100 degree days has also plummeted.
Prior to 1960, one hundred degree days in Iowa were fairly common, but they almost never happen anymore.
This drop in temperature after the 1950’s was well understood at the time, but criminals in the US government have since erased it.
13 Mar 1969 – New Ice Age threatens Europe
NASA now shows current temperatures much hotter than the 1950’s, which has no basis in reality.
An entire field of science is based around massively fraudulent data from NASA, NOAA and CRU.
NASA admits undersea volcanoes effect the temperature http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/news/20011210/ 2001
So why are we protecting wetlands????
Does the government share it’s raw/primary temperature data? Or does it deny the public access?
The global data is available, but is so sparse and such a mess that you can make any shape graph you want by picking the right set of stations.
Despite the El Niño index of the AMO does not grow. For comparison, in 1998 and 2010.
Can also see that the AMO strongly decreased in winter in years of solar minimum in 1996 and 2009.
Now we wait for this connection by these brilliant dummies:
Where are the peer-reviewed publications? As you know, wind-ass claims on a blog donät make it science..
Gotta repost this as it’s so hilarious:
You forgot to add AND 14.12% fake data and up to 72% practice other questionable research practices. They even go so far as to DISCRINMINATE!!!
Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement; ‘Impossible lack of diversity’ reflects ideological intimidation on campus
US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research, study finds
How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data
Corruption Is Destroying Basic Science:
That figure is complete bullshit. It refers to academics who teach because they “can’t do.”
People who can do work for industry and are republicans.
And if you do find a Progressive in industry he is the one falsifying the data on the lab results. (I have fired enough of them for just that.)
Gail, He’s normally the loudmouth that seems to be permanently in the break room, letting everybody know just how progressive he is.
Here’s a guy who had lots of peer reviewed publications. He’s an arctic expert too. Said the arctic would be ice free by now. Smart guy.
CAGW cult members are the people who think if you give every child a trophy, that will make them all winners. In the case of science, they think that if you give someone a lab coat and a piece of paper, then suddenly, everything they say is “science!”
Measurements? Data? Reproducibility? Verification? Accurate prediction? Gosh! You mean all that stuff has something to do with science??!
Some day you should get off your lazy ass and come to the NWS Library in Silver Spring, MD where all the data you can ever imagine are in State Monthly Climatic summaries. I have personally delved into the situation as Mr. Goddard has and many others on the blog. It is so much easier to allow yourself to be brainwashed by unadulterated political propaganda that it is to actually check into the facts yourself! When you check into the facts yourself, you will frankly be shocked by all the fraud and deception.
Tell us cfgjd what exactly makes something “science”? What are the qualifiers?
Actually, cfgjd illustrates yet again that the “climate change” fad has nothing to do with science and everything to do with politics.
(The left-wing nuts are just sore that the arctic melting thing didn’t work out again this year…heh!)
The Progressives are doing to ‘Science ™’ what they have done to the words Liberal and Capitalism. Completely twisted it until word bares no resemblance to the classical meaning and instead resembles what is found floating in a cesspool.
Progressives corrupt and soil and besmear everything they touch so they must constantly grab another’s skin to hide there putrid decaying selves while they are conning the innoncents into believing the snake oil they are trying to sell.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution, …democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model.” —- Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation
“It is a campaign not for abundance but for austerity. It is a campaign not for more freedom but for less. Strangest of all, it is a campaign not just against other people, but against ourselves.” -George Monbiot,
If people like cfgjd and the rest of the Progressives were not so intent in dragging me and other innocents into the hellhole they are digging for humanity I would be very happy to give them a good swift boot and fill in the hole. Unfortunately they need slaves to replace the energy generators they are closing down so they need the innocents they are tricking into slavery.
To add to your comments, Gail, it’s always easy for people like cfgjd to advocate for the destruction of our western lifestyle as long as the lights come on, clean water comes from the tap, the heat warms the house in the winter, and food is available at the local grocery store. The problem with these people is that they aren’t “walkin’ the walk”. If they were, they would not be posting to websites, or even be on the internet or using computers/cell phones/ipads, nor would they use any products made of plastics, metals, or receive any products delivered by carbon polluting trucks. They would live off the land, away from mainstream society, in an agrarian society where they spend 100% of their time on producing their own food, electricity, water, clothes, and shelter. Alas, you won’t see hardly any of them even approach this kind of living. Yet, they want to condemn us all to some form of it. Incredible…
I think a lot of the more radical ones want to condemn us to death.
Oh you are correct RAH, Hubby had one of the Cambridge Communist Commies asking for his address so he would know where to go after the revolution to kill him.
I had another one at a dance tell me to my face, after the revolution we will KILL YOU.
They are real sweeties. I was never so glade to leave a place as I was when I packed up and left the Boston area and I have lived in over 40 places. (Including Indiana – nice place.)
Frank K.,
And that is why I am pretty much fed-up with the spoiled rotten whiny hypocrites who comprise most of the rank and file of the Progressive’s Useful idiots.
This is your typical Progressive Protester.
Yes, all of those self-sacrificing “Occupy…” protesters and their (1) Starbucks coffee, (2) Apple iPhones, (3) take-out food, (4) clothes, tents and furniture made from plastics, metals and other materials courtesy the “evil” petroleum industry. What hypocrites!
And then there are the people who rail against “corporations” as they sip their Starbucks (corporation) coffee and post to Twitter/Facebook (corporations) on their Apple (corporation) iPhones…
Frank, I am none too fond of the large international corporations The Founding Fathers put corporations on a very strong leash to keep them from overpowering the will of the ordinary people. That leash has now been cut to pieces.
Unfortunately the Supreme Court has not only ruled ‘Corporations are people’ they ruled they can control government via campaign financing. How Citizens United Has Changed Politics in 5 Years: The controversial Supreme Court ruling has remade how campaigns are run in the U.S.
I do my best to buy direct from farmers or other small business people and avoid the big boys if I can.
rah ; that Question maybe too difficult for cfgjd . With such a narrow outlook and parochial mentality ; cfgjd probably thinks, other Countries don’t have qualified Scientists…