Daily Archives: September 6, 2015

Saving Africa From Global Cooling

In 1974, the National Academy of Sciences wanted to evacuate six million people in the Sahel – to save them from global cooling. TimesMachine: December 29, 1974 – NYTimes.com

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The Incredible Heatwave Of 1934 In Durant, Oklahoma

For 43 days from July 12 to August 24, 1934 – Durant, Oklahoma was over 100 degrees every single day. Long heatwaves in Oklahoma were much more common prior to 1960. During the summer of 1934, 80% of the US … Continue reading

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More On Obama’s Spectacular Glacier Fraud

The fraudster in chief hiked at the Exit Glacier in Alaska last week, and said that he could slow down melting by shutting down America’s reliable energy supply. According to US Park Service documents, the Exit Glacier melt rate has dropped … Continue reading

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Mind Blowing Temperature Fraud From NASA In Greenland

GHCN temperatures for Nuuk, Greenland show a sharp cooling trend over the past decade, of more than 3°C ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all/GL000004250.dly NASA data is based on GHCN, so it should be the same. But they don’t show much cooling over the past … Continue reading

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More From The Ministry Of Truth

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” ? George Orwell, 1984 In 1974, Time Magazine reported 2.7 degrees cooling since the 1940’s, and a large increase in snow and ice cover. … Continue reading

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Visualizing NOAA’s Massive Temperature Fraud

The Ministry of Truth in Boulder, CO NOAA publishes maps every month showing the whole world bright red, and then claims temperatures have been above normal for 600 months in a row. If we look at southwest Greenland, temperatures there … Continue reading

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Today’s Featured Climate Criminal – Joe Romm

Think Progress says “The West Is Literally On Fire” and drought stricken Colorado is burning up. As expected, the 2015 wildfire season has meant more bad news for drought-stricken Western states. As of June 30, 45 wildfires large active wildfires burned … Continue reading

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