For the third summer in a row, the frequency of 90 degree days in the US was well below normal. Over the last 80 years, the likelihood of hot days in the US has plummeted.
Government climate experts lie about this and tamper with the data, because it wrecks Barack Obama’s climate fraud legacy.
Yes, they lie about it, and they are getting away with it!
Even the Nobel Prize Committee now abandons sinking ship:
I am sharing this website with a lot of people. But it doesn’t help when you post sexually suggestive pictures as you did a few days ago.
Sounds good, what did I miss ???
Why not complain on the ‘Tips and Suggestions’ page?
Yes, I don’t do that often enough.
Which one? Please provide link as proof. !
“sexually suggestive pictures “?
Maybe it was a pop-up ad based on your prior browsing history.
All I can think of was the bicycle discussion? Nude bicycling and Colorados post of a fine lady that was fully clothed?
But Steve, in places like Africa, Antarctica and Africa, where there are few or no thermometers, the temperature is on track to make this the hottest year since records began!
All years from now on are Hottest Years Evah when warmists are talking.
I would guess that second low peak reflects the Mt. Pinatubo cooling? I remember that as the summer that never was here in central Indiana. At the peak the sun was red even in the early afternoon on some days.
I was talking about the peak in the red trend line and guess that lowest low on the Series 1 line is when it was at it’s peak.
This is the third year in a row that my white clover didn’t turn crispy critter in the summer.
HMMmmm, they have yanked the page that showed clover was a cool season crop that dies back when the temp hits the 90s. The page isn’t even on the wayback machine.
The clover is done here. Dandelions went nuts this spring until I killed them by broadcasting a weed-n-feed type product.
Usually I spray but the spring was so wet and windy it never gave me the opportunity. So my neighbor and I went in together and I bought pellets for broadcast. Found some stuff on sale that claimed to kill or prevent a broader spectrum of broad leaf weeds than the Scotts weed-n-feed product. Hooked my spreader to the tractor and put it down in my yard and my neighbors yards. Worked great on the dandelions all this year but certainly did not prevent all the weed types it claimed. Still have the 3 gallons of spray concentrate I didn’t get a chance to use so I’m ready for next spring.
USCRN and ClimDiv say……. B***S***!!!!¶meter=anom-tavg&time_scale=p12&begyear=2005&endyear=2015&month=8
Here is an ordered list of the MJJ (is that your summer?) average anomalies in USCRN
2012 2.393333333
2006 1.81
2007 0.943333333
2015 0.86
And the JJA, in case.
2012 1.973333333
2011 1.726666667
2006 1.486666667
2010 1.14
2007 1.126666667
2015 1.01
I never had a 90 degree reading this summer from my max/min thermometer located on a north facing 10th story balcony in Greenbelt, MD.
My question is, with all this corruption in the us dept. of nasa and noaa, where can researchers and other interested parties go to obtain accurate information about the state of climate and where the trends are headed?