Visualizing Extreme Climate Fraud At NOAA

According to NOAA, 2012 was the most extreme year on record in the US. The fraud which goes into making the Climate Extremes Index is breathtaking.

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U.S. Climate Extremes Index (CEI): Graph | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Let’s look at the actual data of 2012 vs. 1936. The summer of 1936 was the hottest on record in the US – nearly 1°C warmer than 2012.

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The winter of 1936 was the third coldest on record in the US – more than 4°C colder than winter 2012 – which was very mild.

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One hundred degree temperatures occurred more than twice as often  in 1936 as they did in 2012 – which wasn’t even in the top ten.

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More than 75% of the country reached 100 F in 1936, compared to 55% in 2012 – which wasn’t in the top five.

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During 1936, Fort Yates, North Dakota had an incomprehensibly large 169 degree spread in temperatures, from -50F on February 16, to 119F on July 6.

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The high plains were twelve degrees above normal temperature in July, 1936

Almost the same story during August, 1936

The heat in 1936 killed thousands of people.


The Bulletin – Google News Archive Search

Drought in 1936 was one of the worst on record.

20 Jul 1936 – HEAT HAS NOW KILLED 4,380 Drought Goes On Govern…

One fourth of the US was flooded during March of 1936, as dust storms ravaged the southwest.

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Google News Archive Search



A tornado killed almost 500 people during April 1936. One of the deadliest in US history.

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The Bulletin – Google News Archive Search

Niagara Falls froze solid in February, 1936

Fires ravaged the west.

1936 was by far the most extreme year in US history, and 2012 wasn’t even in the ballpark. The criminals at NOAA are trying to rewrite history to suit the White House political agenda.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Visualizing Extreme Climate Fraud At NOAA

  1. gator69 says:

    The 1936 North American cold wave ranks among the most intense cold waves in recorded North American meteorological history. The states of the Midwest United States and the Prairie Provinces of Canada were hit the hardest, but only the Southwest and California largely escaped its effects. February 1936 was the coldest month recorded in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota, and rivals that of 1899 the coldest February on record for the continent as a whole. Only a few parts of the Great Basin, the Bering Sea coast of Alaska and the Labrador Sea coast of Canada were even close to their long-term means…

    The cold wave was followed by one of the hottest summers on record, the 1936 North American heat wave.

    The 1936 North American heat wave was the most severe heat wave in the modern history of North America. It took place in the middle of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl of the 1930s, and caused catastrophic human suffering and an enormous economic toll. The death toll exceeded 5,000, and huge numbers of crops were destroyed by the heat and lack of moisture. Many state and city record high temperatures set during the 1936 heat wave stood until the Summer 2012 North American heat wave.[1][2] The 1936 heat wave followed one of the coldest winters on record.

    Is William Connolley dead?

  2. omanuel says:

    May Labor Day 2015 end seventy years of official deceit (1945-2015) about:

    THE SUN: “Creator, Destroyer & Sustainer’ of every atom, life and planet in the solar system.'S_SCIENCE

    ResearchGate offers editors of mainstream research journals, the news media, leaders of federal research agencies and the scientific community an opportunity to download, read and respond in public to precise experimental data that prove the pulsar-centered Sun exerts primary control of our lives and the climate of planet Earth today.

  3. 2012 was weird here in the Adirondacks. Normally the snow pack stays until late April, sometimes right up to May 1. That year it was all gone by mid-March. Weird.

  4. rah says:

    You out did yourself with this one Tony! NO historical records are safe when they might stand in the way of the left’s agenda! Revisionism is what they do! Any transgression that serves the present is justified to achieve whatever their current end is at the time. And for a person like me that Loves history and believes it’s imperative that people learn what has happened before so they can possibly avoid the same errors in the future, or at least put their own current situation into a balanced perspective, such revisionism is a very high crime.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Thanks for exposing the truly extreme weather of the 1930’s.

    Let’s not forget the Florida Keys Hurricane of 1935, by far the most intense in US history, with winds well over 200 mph. Or the great 1938 New England hurricane, where 186 mph was measured at Blue Hill Observatory, near Boston. Compare that to “Superstorm” Sandy, where no land station recorded a wind gust as high as 100 mph.

    Yes, I remember they said that 2012 had multiple extreme weather disasters in Maryland. Yes, they were so extreme that I might have lost 2 twigs from my trees.

  6. omanuel says:

    Nothing will change unless we end seventy years (1945-2015) of official deceit on the source of energy that made our elements, powers the solar system, and the cosmos.

    See: P. K. Kuroda, The Origin of the Chemical Elements and the Oklo Phenomenon“,

    DOWNLOAD, READ & RESPOND in public, agreeing or denying precise experimental data that indicate Earth’s changing climate is influenced by the Sun’s pulsar core.

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