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- arn on New Data Tampering By NOAA
He needs to learn the difference between HADCRUD(!) and satellites …
Even a look at Wikipedia would demonstrate that difference. Most likely he knows and doesn’t care about accuracy, just like those that compile the “data base” he cites. After the email and hockey stick scandal, “lost” data and analysis, and their fights to deny raw data to the public that paid for it, any informed and credible person that is a truth seeker would reject any of the crap that emanates from EA CRU.
I believe he is just plotting the northern hemisphere data (NH) versus the satellite data which covers the entire Earth. Apples – oranges.
Here are the HADCRUT4 NH monthly anomalies from 1994 – today (normalized relative to the average from the last 20 years). 2007 was a hot year! 🙂
There is so much wrong with this. You have to start questioning your faith in the human race.
WOW! what an excellent display of the Disinfo campaign! Trying to confuse the Sheeple are we?
How many casual observers would see satellite in the first tweet and hadcrut as the response.
Heck how many Sheeple even KNOW what hadcrut is and that it is the Krigged land based temp model ‘adjusted’ to fit the CAGW computer models?
Steve, your response should aim at the disinfo and not the data.
Gerald has 150 Twitter followers unlike the 9400 something that Steve has.
Steve just made him famous as a moron!
Actually, I retract that. These people are giving morons a bad name.
And how many of those 150 are actually Sock-puppets? Rush Limbaugh mentioned a while back that he had been attacked (on facebook, twitter, his site?) and followed the trail back only to find there were only ten people actually involved and not hundreds.
Reality-based Progressivism, Ashley Madison way …
Gail Combs says:……”Steve, your response should aim at the disinfo and not the data.”
Agreed. Even a simple link to Wikipedia would expose the deception.
The Progressives fight a dirty, nasty, emotional and politically based fight while skeptics fight a ‘scientific’ fight. For years I tried to get that through the skulls at WUWT. We can not win using ‘science’ we have to attack the heart, the dis-info campaign.
As Orwell showed truth does not win if the government controls all the media and can rewrite information at will. As my conversation with Kent Clizbe shows the US government (NOAA) has teamed up with government funded NGOs to control not only the information fed to students K through grad school but also to purge any and all ‘official information’ from the internet. This leave Blogs, that can be dismissed as nutty right wing conspiracy sites.
I have found favorite graphs and even papers are disappearing or being re-labeled at an accelerating rate thanks to CLEANet.
See the “follow the trail” on internet censorship HERE
Hey Gail! “We can not win using ‘science’ we have to attack the heart, the dis-info campaign.”
Exactly. The people who have fallen for the CAGW meme are most often those who “feel”, not those who “think.” The only thing I have found that seems to make a difference to CAGW folk is to point out the ethical problems with de-carbonizing the world. Something like, “Yeah, solar and wind is fine for rich countries like the US, but what about the billions of third world brown people? They will starve to death if they cannot get cheap fossil fuels. I just can’t support something that will kill so many poor people…”
“I have found favorite graphs and even papers are disappearing or being re-labeled at an accelerating rate thanks to CLEANet.”
Yes, I have seen things disappear also, so far only things involved with a military or political implications. This is not new, however. I first ran across it back about 2001 and still see occasional examples. (Actually, just to be accurate, I should say that I saw my first INTERNET example in 2001.) How many people remember the report from the US Army War College clearing Saddam Hussein of gassing the Kurds? How many people remember the Taliban’s pre-war offer to turn over Bin Laden for trial?
Jason, I saw it back in 1970. I haven’t trusted the MSM since.
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the clowns calling others clowns,
Unfortunately, you have to blame the ignorance of people like Gerald Perkins on our “educational system.” I decided to take a 4-credit Spanish class at our local college this year at age 72. I am the class ace. Two-thirds of the class are hesitant to speak up in class (how else do you learn to speak a language), very slow to come up with correct answers that are obvious, have no skill at english grammar to bring to understanding Spanish (English 101 is a prerequisite), and quiz grades reflect this by being incredibly low for the class average. My instructor, who has also taught high school spanish elsewhere tells me this is the general trend in all subject areas. Sometimes in class he seems to be at wits end. I get very angry about this sometimes, not at the kids, but at us. We should have been more involved, no matter what it took.
Three quick resources:
History of the problem:
What is happening now:
And a resource for combating it:
Homeschool Curriculum
$195 for K thru 12. We bought it to see what it was and use it to tutor the neighborhood kids.
well done gail . it is a pity there are not more people that see what is happening.