Where Is The Cooling?

In 1974, scientists reported a large drop in global temperature since the 1940’s.


TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974

In 1961, there was unanimous consensus that Earth was getting colder.

ScreenHunter_2109 May. 31 08.05

ScreenHunter_2110 May. 31 08.05


NCAR reported this sharp cooling in 1974.

ScreenHunter_10202 Aug. 26 16.20


But this drop in temperature no longer appears in NASA graphs.

Fig.A (5)

NASA accomplished this by successively tampering with data to make the decline disappear.


NASA temperature graphs are propaganda, not science. They are completely fraudulent.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Where Is The Cooling?

  1. emsnews says:

    The 30-40 year cold/warm cycles torment ‘climatologists’ who alternately tell us this is normal and then tell us during each cycle, it will go on forever in whatever direction it happens to be moving at that moment.

    The difference between 1970 and today is, they said they don’t know why this happens and that the possibility of another Little Ice Age or especially a REAL Ice Age is…the fact that this Interglacial has lasted the average length of previous ones and therefore, the odds of another Ice Age are rising every year.

  2. Andy DC says:

    The 1930’s heat and late 1970’s cold have been scrubbed from the record book. These aren’t scientists, they are propagandists with an agenda, torturing the data to fit their predetermined conclusion.

  3. Jon says:

    My models (verbal, not mathematical) show the cooling has been diverted to the lower ocean depths just below the level where the lost increase in heat has gone. So the planet is still cooling but it has gone underwater, this is why the increased heat cannot be found, as it is counter-balanced by the cooling ?

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