Daily Archives: October 26, 2015

1958 : New York Times Predicted A New Ice Age, Six Weeks After Predicting An Ice-Free Arctic

On October 19, 1958 the New York Times predicted an ice-free Arctic in the near future. The Changing Face of the Arctic – View Article – NYTimes.com Six weeks later they predicted a new ice.  December 7, 1958 – NYTimes.com

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NASA – Tampering Their Way To 2.0

In 2005, NASA only showed 0.75C warming from 1880 to 2002 http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig_A.pdf That wasn’t going to scare anyone about the mythical two degrees, so they changed the data to show 1.2C warming from 1880 to 2002 Fig.A.gif (656×446) The next … Continue reading

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More On The Patricia Fraud

Category five hurricanes cause nearly complete devastation of everything in their path. Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale The damage from Patricia was not consistent with a category five hurricane. It would be very interesting to find out what that story was … Continue reading

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Texas Snake Oil Salesmen

Texas is vulnerable to warming climate – Houston Chronicle Four years ago, Texas academics predicted that Texas weather would be hot and dry for the rest of the century, like the summer of 2011. And that they could fix it. … Continue reading

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Spectacular USHCN Data Tampering At Crosbyton, Texas

There hasn’t been any warming Crosbyton, Texas over the last 90 years. That didn’t suit the political agenda, so NOAA massively cooled the past to create a non-existent warming trend.

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Katherine Hayhoe’s Spectacular Lies About Lubbock Heat

During the hot summer of 2011, Katherine predicted a huge increase in the number of 100 degree days in Lubbock, Texas. With No End in Sight for Texas Drought, ABC News Explains: “Every Farmer in the World Will Be Affected … Continue reading

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The Katherine Hayhoe Permanent Drought

On April 22, Katherine Hayhoe and friends announced that permanent drought was on its way to the Texas Panhandle. What Climate Change Is Doing to the Texas Cattle Ranch | The New Republic Since then, the Texas Panhandle has had … Continue reading

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