Daily Archives: October 27, 2015

1939 : Glaciers Of Greenland And Norway Faced Catastrophic Collapse

In 1939, all of Greenland’s glaciers were melting, and faced “catastrophic collapse” 17 Dec 1939, Page 15 – at Newspapers.com This is the identical wildly exaggerated rhetoric being used by scientists today. All nonsense, all the time.

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Only One South Carolina USHCN Station Set Their Record Daily Precipitation This Year

There are 18 currently active USHCN stations in South Carolina. Only one of them set their record daily precipitation during this year’s claimed 1,000 year rainfall. The average year for the precipitation records was 1950, and there is no indication that … Continue reading

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New York Times Sliming Their Readers Again

The full melting of Greenland’s ice sheet could increase sea levels by about 20 feet. This river is one of a network of thousands at the front line of climate change. BY CORAL DAVENPORT, JOSH HANER, LARRY BUCHANAN AND DEREK … Continue reading

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Ångström Was Correct

Knut Ångström discovered over 100 years ago that changing the amount of CO2 in the air has very little impact on how much longwave radiation is transmitted. This is the same thing which climate models show. The graph below was … Continue reading

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“They Attribute” It To Global Warming

Literally Washing Away The cemetery, located near Rita on the west end of Majuro, has been eroding for a decade or more, islanders say, something they attribute in part to global warming. The ocean inundations are larger and occurring with … Continue reading

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Another Smoking Gun Of NASA Fraud

The New York Times reported that 1921 was very hot and dry around the planet. TimesMachine: January 29, 1922 – NYTimes.com The criminals at NASA have since erased it, and made 1921 one of the coldest years on record.

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Climate Scientists – Living The Big Lie For Over A Century

Knut Ångström demonstrated over a century ago that adding more CO2 has minimal impact on Earth’s radiative balance. Climate scientists either ignore this completely, or lie about the significance of his findings. The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect Adding more CO2 has very … Continue reading

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