Extreme Weather In 1954

Summer 1954 was the third hottest since 1895, after 1936 and 1934

Image 82

The Arctic was warming at an unprecedented rate.

Image 91

Most of the US was in severe or extreme drought.


The US was hit by three major hurricanes, including two that hit New England in two weeks. They were the last major hurricanes to hit New England.

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Image 81

Our climate is much milder now. Government climate fraud depends on people not knowing history. If we had a repeat of 1954 now, climate experts would call for immediate world communism.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Extreme Weather In 1954

  1. inMAGICn says:

    Wow, Hurricane Hazel. Went through it as a child. Hurricane Carol had already sideswiped us and we had moved to Tidewater area of Virginia. Thick old oaks split in two and buildings torn apart. So, what is new sixty years on? Weather changes? Climates changes? Gee, I kinda know that already.

  2. darrylb says:

    A corollary to that—I remember in 1951 a helicopter landing in a snow covered field nearby.
    It brought food to be distributed to nearby families hear in southern MN. I remember being snowbound for weeks on end.

  3. Richard Keen says:

    Hazel was an amazing storm – Canadians call it their Storm of the Century, and it’s the benchmark storm for North Carolina. It’s the northernmost landfall of a Cat 4 in recorded history, beating Hugo by a whole state. I was a 7-year old in Philadelphia, and by midnight that evening I was on my way to becoming a meteorologist. Carol wasn’t half bad, either – our family was vacationing in Wildwood Crest NJ as she passed a few tens of miles offshore, and I recall watching the foamy mountains of seawater from the dunes as my Dad gripped my hand, and swimming in the flooded streets the next morning.
    I know several kids from Philadelphia (and vicinity) who went on to become meteorologistgs after being inspired by Hazel.

  4. Bob Greene says:

    The doom and gloomers never seem to remember Hazel.

    • Richard Keen says:

      The gloom and doomers seem to forget New England 1938, Miami 1926, Galveston 1900, North Carolina’s 6-pack of hurricanes in 1954-55, the New Jersey/New York direct hit in 1821, and so on. Except for a tree in Yamal Siberia, the warmers remember nothing before 1970. Go to Climate Central (but just once; don’t want to up their ratings) and every graph starts in 1970. It happened to be a cold year, the kind that’s great for starting upward trends. They certainly wouldn’t want to start their trends in 1934.

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