On this date in 1908, Amherst MA reached 90 degrees. Today’s forecast high is 40 degrees cooler with a freeze warning for tonight.
October temperatures in Amherst have been dropping since the 1940s. Their coldest October was in 2008.
The warmest October in Amherst was 1947, which had seven afternoons over 80 degrees, and averaged almost 72 degrees.
The 1908 heatwave was not localized to Massachusetts. Laurel, MD was also 90 degrees on this date in 1908. Most of the Northeast reached 80 degrees, and many stations reached 85 degrees.
This year’s October 17 forecast for the Northeast is cold.
White House criminals predict 4.5 to 10 degrees warming in the Northeast, in defiance of all observed data, science and basic common sense.
Nothing a bit of data Mannipulation won’t fix.
Warm Octobers in Toronto were 1947 and 1963 tied at 14.6C average. 1971 and 2007 were tied at 14.5. The top 10 rounds out as follows; 1900; 13.4, 1949; 13.1, 1920; 12.8, 1879 and 1973; 12.7, 1946, 1970, 1995, 2013 all at 12.3. There was frost at my place last night and more forecast for tonight.