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Climate Moron Of The Day!
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Howie is a sports fan that lives in Philadelphia. ‘Nuff said.
The Philadelphia Phillies are an abomination that won’t be good for a long time, the Sixers are in year three of tank mode, the Flyers are a disappointment, and the Eagles just lost… at home… to one of the worst teams in the NFL. None of the four Philly teams have a winning record, and two of them are arguably the worst teams in their respective sports.
Of the cities with at least three franchises in the four major sports, Philadelphia has the worst teams in North America.
More sports news Gator: The Redskins finally drop their name:
“Daniel Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, has announced that the team is dropping “Washington” from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as “The Redskins.”
It was reported that he finds the word ‘Washington’ imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football.”
The Onion could not have put it better, funny stuff.
The real sad truth is that most professional athletes these days do not make fitting role-models for any fans. And those that do are often ridiculed. If professional sports were to fall off the face of the planet tomorrow, not only would I not be alarmed, I would celebrate the “loss”. The staggering amount of resources spent and wasted on glorifying men who play meaningless childrens’ games is approaching that of climate alarmism.
Not mine. Found it at a message board I visit. Author unknown to me.
You couldn’t be more correct Gator. If people put as much time into keeping their eye on corrupt politicians and the traitors in Hollywood and academia you wouldn’t be stuck with the traitorous scumbags in the White House, in schools and colleges that indoctrinate the current and future generations and entertain people with pornography. I was so proud to be Canadian watching the U.S. disintegrate which I hated to see, until last month when we elected Justin Trudeau with a huge majority government. Justin is a total idiot who has never had a full time job in his life but thinks he was entitled to be Prime Minister because his radical leftist, Mao, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Castro loving father was one but JUstin was elected because women thought he was really cute which is also why his father Pierre was elected. When I see what’s going on in western civilization today I see the re-enactment of all civilizations that collapse. Thank God I’m old.
If people put as much time into keeping their eye on corrupt politicians and the traitors in Hollywood and academia you wouldn’t be stuck with the traitorous scumbags in the White House…
Panem et circenses!
People elsewhere are dropping their names, rah.
A Grand Junction man told the judge last month he wanted to change his name because people laughed at him.
“What’s your name,” asked the judge.
“Barak Anus,” said the man.
“I understand,” laughed the judge. “What do you want it to be?”
“I don’t care,” said the man. “John Anus will do.”
Tony you really know your historic papers.
It is snowing here. New Moon, winter solstice and knowsno (no-snow?) is a kinda coalworker in an unlit coalmine. Dark. So less dark now.
I wonder if he yells the sky is falling when an acorn strikes him on the head.
I swear there was really a wolf.
Howie has no brain. Howie survives, I’ll never know.
No, Howie didn’t make it! Buddy came through! 😛
Over Macho Grande?
I’m afraid I will never get over Macho Grande… Some wounds run too deep… 😛
Roy Spencer gives a nice “round-up” of the climate conference.
At this time of the year it is supposed to be summer in New Zealand. .. Yesterday the South Island had thunderstorms, hail storms, and tornadoes!
“A cold snap caused temperatures to plunge in the south on Sunday, with Christchurch dropping by more than 10 degrees to sit at 6.5C by 2pm.”
On the other side of the coin, there can be days in winter when the weather is quite warm, like recently in Philadelphia (as shown above). There is a natural El Niño effect this year. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Obviously there are times when the weather can be chaotic. .. Probably because it is a part of a larger chaotic system — the global climate.
Howie will probably respond, “well, of course it is warm in January, but we are still in December!”
I agree with Howie. Steve Goddard picks out one very unusual data point and runs with it. As you will notice however, from 1790 to 1847 there wasn’t a single day in December that went above 70 degrees. Not a single day in 57 years! Take a look for yourself. In 1816 there was ice in June, July, and August.
Moron alert
I agree with Howie. Steve Goddard picks out one unusual data point and runs with it. However, from 1790 to 1847 there wasn’t a single day in December that went above 70 degrees. Take a look for yourself! In 1816 there was ice in June, July, and August.
Moron alert
I agree with Howie. Steve Goddard picks out one unusual data point and runs with it. However, from 1790 to 1847 there wasn’t a single day in December that went above 70 degrees. Take a look for yourself! In 1816 there was ice in June, July, and August. It was a very cold year.
Moron alert
And 1790 to 1847 is not cherry picked? The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one!
I agree with Howie. Steve Goddard picks out one unusual data point and runs with it. However, from 1790 to 1847 there wasn’t a single day in December that went above 70 degrees. Take a look for yourself! In 1816 there was ice in June, July, and August. A cold year.
Moron alert
The moron does have one point. There is always “climate change” and always has been. The planet heats up and the planet cools down. All from natural causes.
We dispute that CO2 from mankind’s activities is doing anything to raise the temperatures. It is up to the other side to prove that it is mankind’s CO2 emissions doing anything “bad” for the planet. Good luck with that.
Behold the power of suggestion.
A single data point is weather, unless you’re an alarmist
Correction: A single data point can be weather or climate, but it takes a grantologist to decide which of those it is.