Newsweek July 11, 1988 : Danger: More Fake News Ahead

After James Hansen’s 1988 testimony to Congress where he and Senator Tim Wirth sabotaged the air conditioning system, Newsweek announced that Americans were doomed by the heat – due to a 0.00005 mole fraction increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1900. They said this tiny increase atmospheric CO2 was like living in glass dome.

US summer afternoon temperatures have been plummeting for a century, and 1988 was the last hot summer the US had. Four years later in 1992 was the coldest summer on record in the US.

The frequency of 90 degree days has plummeted since that Newsweek issue was published.

The frequency of 95 degree days has plummeted since that Newsweek issue was published.

The frequency of 100 degree days has plummeted in the US over the past century.

The frequency of 105 degree days has plummeted in the US over the past century.

There is zero evidence backing up the theory that increased CO2 is making summers hotter, yet the press claims that 97% of scientists agree on this topic. It is all fake news, all the time from the US press. They simply move from one lie to another.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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