1925 : Southern Sunspots Cause Cold, Northern Sunspots Cause Heat

ScreenHunter_165 Dec. 14 08.24



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1925 : Southern Sunspots Cause Cold, Northern Sunspots Cause Heat

  1. omanuel says:

    Thanks, Steven.

    If NASA had done the research for which NASA received public funds, instead of hiding experimental data that showed:

    1. Neutron repulsion is the source of energy in cores of heavy atoms, stars, some planets and galaxies

    2. The core of the Sun is a pulsar

    3. The Sun made our elements and birthed the solar system 5Ga ago

    4. Weizsacker’s “nuclear binding energy” is seriously flawed, deceptively convincing, and a poor substitute for Aston’s “nuclear packing fraction”.

    Then NASA would be on a good position to advise the public on the causes of global climate change.

    With deep regrets,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

    See Chapter 2 of autobiography: Acceptance of Reality

  2. A C Osborn says:

    It is odd that you should find that clipping at this time as there was something similar mentioned on the AGU Solar Science thread at WUWT.

  3. Rosco says:

    Inigo Jones was an independent long range weather forecaster who became renowned for his abilities.

    He theorised that the large planets influenced sunspot activity and this influenced Earth’s weather and climate.

    “Although Jones failed to have his methods recognised as soundly based, by any substantial body of accredited scientific opinion he was widely recognised for his successes, especially by farmers.”

    Short Wikipedia article – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inigo_Owen_Jones

    His assistant who later took over the observatory was tempted to endorse a sprinkler manufacturer in a series of television advertisements in 1973 by claiming that the approaching summer of 73/74 would be hot and dry.

    He later changed his forecast but the tv ads were already on air.

    1974 saw the Brisbane floods and years of good work and reputation was damaged.

    Inigo Jones was a century ahead of the pack however with his theories – be they right or wrong.

    Something clearly affects the Sun and on a cyclic basis – that much is very clear.

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