1950: All Of The World’s Glaciers Were Shrinking – Or Had Disappeared

ScreenHunter_985 Jul. 13 06.59 15 Oct 1951 – WORLD IS WARMER Glaciers Melting

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1950: All Of The World’s Glaciers Were Shrinking – Or Had Disappeared

  1. daveandrews723 says:

    Thanks for this. I also saw a 1954 article about a very warm summer at the North Pole, as observed and reported by scientists,explorers who were there, including a thunderstorm and heavy rain with lots of ice melt. Funny that the “warmists” have short memories and pick and choose only what supports their flimsy hypothesis.

  2. Phil Jones says:

    The Apocalypse crowd just can’t confront this stuff…

  3. Brian H says:

    Thank goodness the CO2 radiated all that excess heat away, or we’d all have been DOOOOOMED!

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