Daily Archives: July 6, 2014

Whatever A Progressive Says, Assume The Exact Opposite

I heard the most incredible interview with Dinesh D’Souza today, by a criminally dishonest progressive on C-SPAN radio. She wouldn’t let him speak, and mis-characterized the movie at every possible opportunity, starting with a claim that it was very one-sided. … Continue reading

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Any Excuse To Get Neurotic

No matter how good the news is, alarmists will find a way to get upset about it.

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Best Sports Weekend Ever?

Unbelievable. Two of the best World Cup matches and possibly the best Wimbledon final – all within 24 hours. Federer refused to give up, despite having his back against the wall for 90 minutes. The Costa Rica of tennis.

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Climate Bingo

The rules of the climate game are easy to understand. They get unlimited resources of money and propaganda to push a scam. They also get to change the rules and the score as many times as they want, after the … Continue reading

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I Forecast That The Tall Guy Is Going To Win

Forty four years ago, I was at center court for the five set final between Aussies John Newcombe and Ken Rosewall. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upPG01i5CJQ]

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“Leave all speech to the gods, since they are far stronger than you are”

Odysseus was punished by the gods for believing he was in control. But even he wasn’t arrogant enough to believe he controlled the climate. Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be … Continue reading

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