Gaia Sends A Message To Lawmakers In Washington DC

ScreenHunter_7273 Feb. 18 09.25

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Gaia Sends A Message To Lawmakers In Washington DC

  1. emsnews says:

    But LA is hot and dry!!! We are all doomed!!!! 🙂

  2. rah says:

    They won’t get it! Besides the UHI effect there is so strong from all the hot air they might not even notice, except for the fact the administration will probably give the gubmint workers another tax payer funded “snow day” due to the temp. I mean really cold temps are as catastrophic as 4″ of snow for them aren’t they? The people have to understand that the average civil servant has a very slow metabolism. This why their work pace is similar to that of a sloth. This is because sloth metabolism and speed is a prerequisite for having a job there. And so they can’t tolerate cold very well at all and must be protected.

  3. gator69 says:

    Washington is incapable of receiving messages from the real world, Gaia is wasting Her time.

  4. gofer says:

    Expected to break a record in Nashville tonight with a low of 0.

  5. B. says:

    Perfect blue skies and sunshine, no wind, here. 50 degrees F., will probably get to 70F in the afternoon. We have about a twenty degree F change from lows to highs just about every day most of the year. Global warming doesn’t scare us in the west. We “do” hot, and yet once a couple of years ago I had two nights of 0 degrees for the low. That was a first! We often just have winter temps in the teens (high desert here), then up to 50s or 60s in the afternoons. This winter has been unusually warm, and I fear that trees and plants will sprout, then get frozen later. We have had a couple of freezes as late at first week of May, but not recently. The ground is green right now, looks a bit like mid-summer after rains except for the bare trees. I’m surely glad I live here (very thin blood!)

  6. Frank K. says:

    Chicago’s brutal cold the Drudge Report right now…*349/WC-forecast-021915.jpg

  7. D. Self says:

    The liars will just say it’s climate change from AGW.

  8. organicfool says:

    “Scarecrow: I haven’t got a brain… only straw.
    Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven’t got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don’t know… But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking… don’t they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you’re right.”

  9. Gail Combs says:

    The Boston Globe has reported that the latest storm this weekend secured February 2015’s place as the snowiest month on record in Boston with 58.5 inches falling, It beat January 2005’s previous record by over 15 inches. and the month is no where near over!

    Meanwhile it is snowing hard here in mid North Carolina. That is two winters in a row and we normally get snow once every five years. At least the District of Criminals is also expected to get more snow this evening.

    • Andy DC says:

      Yes, we just got half an inch of snow from the Arctic front going thru DC. Probably enough to close the Government tomorrow! As if anyone would ever notice the difference.

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