Hope Says That My Posting Her Threatening E-mails Is “Lies And Harassment”

Fascinating peek into the disordered mind of progressives.

Some crazy person started sending me dozens of E-mails. I posted her nasty E-mails to me, and she tweets (knowing I can’t respond) that I was lying about her and harassing her.

ScreenHunter_1318 Mar. 23 14.38

Progressives believe that their irrational hatred somehow prevents hurricanes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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121 Responses to Hope Says That My Posting Her Threatening E-mails Is “Lies And Harassment”

  1. Mike says:

    I would like to see her posts again…
    just as a refresher.

    • Hope says:

      Search “hope” here .. oh, and I think “whack job of the day” .. Steve is a liar, a fraud and a menace. All I want to now is does HE know that – or does he believe his own lies?

      • AndyG55 says:

        The only LIAR and FRAUDSTER around here is YOU !!

        How’s your fossil fuel addiction going.. managed to wean yourself off any yet ??

        What does your stove use.. electricity or gas ?

      • plowboy6 says:

        prove to the world he is lying and the issue is resolved!

      • Hope says:

        Andy and Gator – thanks for making my point so well.

        • gator69 says:

          Anytime sweetie! 😆

          (I see you are still able to post)

        • Gail Combs says:

          Good of Steve to allow the Hopeless to continue to post even though her childish rantings are get very tiresome.

          Reminds me of a friend’s the ill mannered four year old that always insists on being the center of attention while the adults are trying to hold a conversation.

        • AndyG55 says:

          What point? You haven’t made any point.

          You are a hopeless liar and involved in pointless fraud.

          You are a proven liar and a FRAUDSTER, who also happens to be addicted to fossil fuels.

          Why are you constantly HARASSING Steven ?

          What a NASTY, STIPEFUL ,IRKSOME piece of trash you are proving yourself to be. !!

        • Adam says:

          Hope is the poster child for ignorance of and/or contempt for the scientific method. As such, engaging her is futile. Best to simply leave her to wallow in her self-absorbed world of delusion and anger.

      • Amazing… Hope is allowed to post here… but she supports Steven being banned from Twitter..!!

        What a fascist…. next she throws out terms like “threatening”… “Lies and Harrassment” … but follows us all here to post stuff…

        Notice she hasn’t submitted any facts nor information for us to debate… nor has she told us what Steven has been lying about… hasn’t pointed out any faults in his work…

        Is there any hope for Hope??

    • Gail Combs says:

      Hope says: “….We were in an email conversation that YOU started Steve.”

      Now that is a BALD FACED LIE!

      You posted a comment on one of Steve’s articles and started the conversation at that point. I remember it because I copied and pasted it to make sure Steve was aware of the request for an interview.

      Guess what Hopeless? Some of us have very very good memories and the tenacity to look for the evidence PROVING you are a BALD FACED LIAR!

      Here is the proof that Hopeless can not even tell the simple truth about WHO initiated contact:

      Hope says:
      March 7, 2015 at 2:31 am

      I love the replies here. Stellar. You have no ‘contact’ page .. so please do contact me at [email protected] and we’ll set up that live Skype. Thanks.

      • SxyxS says:

        Interessting to see that hope stopped posting after your comment occured.

        I guess the nazi-analogies are true somehow
        as those AGW’s(best known for bludgering around whole life without a minute of har work and being fed by the productive people)
        feel superior in every way.Mentally and morally ,their ideology is always right.
        Reminds of left wing nazis(communists)-they promised heaven and created hell by killing 10x more people than tue nazis-and they still think they are right qnd that communism is great though it has always ended in nazistyle dictatorship and almost always with genozide.

        • Hope says:

          SxyxS says:
          March 23, 2015 at 9:00 pm

          Interessting to see that hope stopped posting after your comment occured.

          I guess the nazi-analogies are true somehow

          Amazing how the spin is ubiquitous with readers … did you review the article’s comment section in fact? I posted about 40 comments after the one you cite. And any of you can feel free to contact me at that email.

          Now, please post your work emails .. to be fair .. go ahead ….

        • AndyG55 says:

          “And any of you can feel free to contact me at that email.”

          Oh please.. let up on your lonely desperation and attention seeking !!!

          ITS SICKENING !!!

        • SxyxS says:

          Well ,Miss Hope.

          You just need to take a look at the timeframe(the posting time is written above)

          You have suddenly stopped posting on this news after Combs comment appeared,-at least you started again to answer me misshope,
          anyways,it is not about me.
          You should have been answering to Gail Combs post(it is right above)
          where she showed that you’ve not been telling the truth.
          Not my post.My post is irrellevant and only served the purpose to make you answer her or prove her wrong and show us that she is the liar and not you- you did not do this.Instead you answered me.
          Please stop turning attention away by answering me and answer Gail Combs as this is the important issue.
          Anyway-thx for your useless answer misshope.

  2. emsnews says:

    Mike, are you a masochist or simply love banging your back with a whip? 🙂

    • Mike says:

      Probably a bit of both. I just enjoy the idea that repeating a persons own words back to them can apparently be so mean… and that’s my kind of mean…

      • Hope says:

        Try that with Steve .. you won’t find this kind of juvenile bombast in ANY of my work:

      • Hope says:

        I research the politics of the fossil fuel industry .. I had asked honestly for an interview with Steve .. that led me down this rabbit hole.

        You “LOVE” the work I posted?

        • AndyG55 says:

          Meaningless research considering you are totally addicted to fossil fuels. You can’t live with them, and you KNOW it.

          Get over yourself, you desperate, ugly piece of emptymess.

        • Mike says:

          I love those who find pleasure by interacting with those they find mean. It’s fascinating. Not sure how healthy… but it’s not my health. You must know, Hope, that you’re in charge of the depth and despair you experience regarding ‘the rabbit hole’. Nobody but You owes You anything. Not an interview or anything else. This leaves the responsibilty for your happiness in Only your hands. I wish you luck. Genuinely.
          Oh… and surely you understand the brilliance, and life enhancing benefits, of Fossil Fuels. The fact you’re interacting on this site is evidence of a long chain of Fossil Fuel Miracles. No Fossil Fuels… No Green Energy. No Fossil Fuels… No Internet. No Fossil Fuels… No Hope.

        • Hope says:

          “I love those who find pleasure by interacting with those they find mean.” Mike

          (That would be Steve,tho .. he finds everyone that disagrees with him mean .. =so he makes a blog to label them)

          Yet I just told you I am here for work.

          Again .. do you support the work I cited the links to?

          Please do answer.

        • AndyG55 says:

          “I love those who find pleasure by interacting with those they find mean.”

          That would be the Hopeless one,

          She finds anyone that points out her ignorance and fraud and her addiction to fossil fuels, mean. And will HARASSS them for all her worthless existence.

          He continued HARAASSMENT of Steven has not gone un-noticed .

          But she can’t leave because her ugly self-aggrandising ego will not let her.

          She is destined to spend the rest of her worthless existence harassing people she disagrees with. That is who she is.

        • Chris Barron says:

          Hope “I research the politics of the fossil fuel industry ..”

          The politics of the fuel industry ? How easy do like to make your life ?
          It’s just business, “more is good”

          Moving on…..

        • BruceC says:

          Hope says;

          I research the politics of the fossil fuel industry

          In that case, you should be able to explain this;

          The Rockefeller Brothers Fund:

          From 2003 to present;

          Bill McKibben’s;
          Step It Up ($200,000)
          1Sky.org ($2,100,000)
          350.org ($875,000)

          Total RBF grants to Mckibben = $3,175,000

          Al Gore’s – Alliance for Climate Protection = $250,000
          David Suzuki Foundation = $185,000

          The Sierra Club = $1,665,000
          Friends of the Earth = $777,500
          Friends of the Earth International = $290,000
          The Pacific Institute (President; Peter Gleick) = $670,000
          Greenpeace Fund = $550,000
          Center for Climate Strategies = $5,171,600
          The Union of Concerned Scientists = $75,000
          Media Matters for America = $375,000
          Environmental Defense Fund = $550,000
          Natural Resources Defense Council = $1,660,000
          National Wildlife Federation = $1,025,000

          TOTAL = $16,419,100

          Sceptic ‘think tanks’;

          The Heartland Institute
          The Cato Institute
          The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
          Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
          Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

          = $0.00

          Rockefeller Family Fund
          Greenpeace $115,000
          Sierra Club $105,000

          Rockefeller Foundation
          Greenpeace $20,285

          Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
          Sierra Club $38,250


          Tell us Hope, which one of the above ‘well trained, fossil fuel funded, propaganda sites‘ are YOU a member of, or follow on Twitter, Facebook or comment on their associated blogs?

          Have you spent $thousands on your own home fitting solar and converting to LED lights to ‘lower your carbon footprint‘? I have!

          Do you drive a Toyota Prius (or another similar hybird brand) or electric car? (I don’t, before you ask. Too busy enjoying my 2003 5.7L Holden Monaro spreading all that evil CO2 around everywhere I go (Pontiac GTO in the US and Vauxhall Monaro VRX? in the UK)).

          Have you removed every single item in your household that is made of plastic, concrete or metal?

          If you answered NO to any of the questions above, you are a HYPOCRITE of the highest order! Just like any other warmist, activist, Greeny, POLITICIAN…..”Do As I Say, Not As I Do!”….F*ckwit.

          F*ck off Hope and go live in a cave where you belong.

          (Sorry Steve/Tony, and others, but these brainwashed, wankers, tools, dip-shits need to be told where to go).

        • AndyG55 says:

          yo gator.

          Love my 5.7L Holden Commodore (2003 executive model) 🙂

          And we know that Hopeless luvs fossil fuel, because her whole meaningless life depends on it.. as does Chris’s.

        • AndyG55 says:

          yo Bruce…. not Gator. sorry 🙂

        • BruceC says:

          Thanks Andy. She’s my ‘2nd’ baby (the missus gets upset if I call her ‘my baby’).


        • Hope… how much Fossil Fuel does your existence cost the planet every day??

          What have you done in your own life to reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuel…

          Next… are fossil fuels really… fossils??

  3. jbenton2013 says:

    It’s time the bunny boiler was consigned back to obscurity.

  4. Mac says:

    I knew this would begin. The climate change cult is losing, and they’re getting extremely desperate. No one buys it anymore. No one cares. These psychos are watching their phony baloney religion lose its luster and they’re very clearly panicking. All of this was to be expected. Violent, insane, and thoroughly ignorant people, who have no understanding of science whatsoever, but follow a bunch of corrupt tribal medicine men who present shamanism as “science”. 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere does nothing at all to the planet’s temperature. Anyone who claims otherwise is either lying or completely ignorant.

    Mental cases, all of them. Truly dangerous people. I would next look for them to try to build momentum, as an ever-growing hysterical mob, pushing the narrative of “harassment”, and the clear implication of “dangerousness”. It’s a very clever way to discredit someone. You simply bait, attack, libel, falsely accuse, and slander, and the person in finished as a credible source of information. It’s all there in “Rules For Radicals” by Saul Alinsky. The end justifies the means.

    Keep up the good work, sir. You’re clearly scaring the sh*t out of these mental cases.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes they are losing:
      Direction of Country
      Poll ………………..Date..Sample..Right Direction..Wrong Track
      RCP Average……3/19….???……………….30.4…………60.4
      The Economist……3/16….695………………29……………59
      NBC/Wall St. Jrnl….3/5..1000……………….32…………..60
      McClatchy/Marist ….3/4..1036……………….33…………..63

      All the rest of the polls, and there are lots and lots show any better approval ratings Only the political class is happy with the direction the country is heading. 67% of Political Class Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction, 84% of Mainstream Disagrees.

  5. Hope says:

    You have lied in every one of these hit pieces you do on me. Easy to prove .. and I will. We were in an email conversation that YOU started Steve.

    You distorted and lied about it and me repeatedly. Very clearly,easy to see.

    Do YOU know you are lying? That’s what I want to know.

    • “You would never weather an interview with me.  I will destroy your thin facade of intellectual acumen with ease and broadcast it – much like Merchant of Doubt does with Moreno – he will soon be exposed and relegated to the nearest street corner to scream his insanities..where he belongs.”

      • Hope says:

        100% true. And well said. That is exactly what you need to hear and YOU have proven an astute view of your “work”.

        100% bombastic hooey: https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/?s=nazi

        I could post all the actual insults you wrote to me, I’d rather spend my time making sure the nation knows what kind of work you really do.

        You have no business being respected in any science debate.

        • Hope says:

          “I will destroy your thin facade of intellectual acumen with ease and broadcast it –”

          Prophetic. Look how I am busy about that already.

        • You support censorship on twitter, and censorship in general against skeptics, but are happy to come here and post your psychotic threats. You are a real piece of work. A very special person.

        • Hope says:

          “You support censorship on twitter, and censorship in general against skeptics,” Steve

          Typical strawman, Steve. And you know it.

          YOUR hack job lie based hit pieces on me are a good example of the misinformation you post.

          “You have no business being respected in any science debate.”

          You could never face the truth though .. nowhere have I said your blog should be shut down. It will make a great comedy site in the future – people might come here to see what level of hooey we used to fall for.

        • AndyG55 says:

          We have all seen the FRAUDELENT stuff you post , Hopeless.

          And you keep the HARASSMENT going and going, on and on, and on.

          Its what you do..

          Its who you are,

          Its your whole worthless life.

        • He posted your own wacky, incoherent emails. If he’s lying, then all you have to do is post the non-psycho stuff, which based on your history will be quite difficult to do.

  6. Hope says:

    “Some crazy person started sending me dozens of E-mails.”

    YOU started the emails and continually attacked me throughout … equating me to nazis.

    Do you think I will fail to expose your lies to the nation?

    Your OWN WORK debunks this lie!

    I POSTED the emails myself to one of your many lie pieces about me.

    You are a very very sick individual. I’m sorry to say that – but your misinformation must not be taken as science.

    • You asked me to send you an E-mail about doing an interview, and then started making repeated psychotic threats. You need help.

      “You would never weather an interview with me.  I will destroy your thin facade of intellectual acumen with ease and broadcast it – much like Merchant of Doubt does with Moreno – he will soon be exposed and relegated to the nearest street corner to scream his insanities..where he belongs.”

      • Joseph says:

        Tony, just wait until she says “fuck your fossil fuel industry shills and fossil fuel industry serving spin” just like she told me while I was defending you:


        • Hope says:

          Of course you would show up down here .. that makes sense .. be sure and include the convo before that:

          Very simple to understand what is occurring, lets see if you can:

          “Antarctic sea ice coverage above average, just like the past 3 and a half years. Note the fourth highest minimum on record:” Because the fossil fuel industry works to hide all facts about the true state of our climate and climate science through their misinformation machine ( you are unwitting cog in) … when information like this comes out: “Last May, a pair of studies suggested that melting has advanced enough that the ice sheet, called the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), is well along a path to inevitable collapse…. This week, scientists offered more of that stark picture, noting that the melting rate for the WAIS has tripled over the last decade. The team’s findings, reported online today in Science, showed that water temperatures in the CDW along the West Antarctic continental shelf have been on the rise since the 1970s.”

          These are very inconvenient findings for the fossil fuel industry.

          So they set their misinformation machine on the task and pretty soon you see claims like this all over posted by well trained deniers:

          “”Antarctic sea ice coverage above average, just like the past 3 and a half years. Note the fourth highest minimum on record:””

          The facts about warming waters and inevitable melt and it’s effects, are removed, and a cherry picked data set is used.

          It’s denier spin.

          It is meant to trick people into staying on this product. You are well trained in it, it frames your entire worldview, I would bet.

          Climate science = garbage?? ”

          I do fess up to using the F bomb .. I think I use it about once a year….. look through my work .. none of my feeds are private 🙂

        • AndyG55 says:

          Nothing like the FRAUD and LIES that you and your mates get up to. !

          But you just keep on enjoying your fossil fuels and all the by-products, addict.

          Slagging off is all that a slag has.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Great video Joseph. 🙂

          Hope hates truth, it hurts her ignorance.

        • Hope says:



          Are you going to tell me to “f*ck off” again?

          No, just note again, as you post a blog over the many scientific studies I sent – that you are a well trained fossil fuel propaganda repeater .. as I have said.

          No manner of facts about the current state of the arctic would help you.

        • Joseph says:


          Interesting that you say that. If you had read the post, you’d find that Paul references a study done by those flat earthers at NASA – http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/news/reducing-salt-bad-for-glacial-health-20131205.html#.VRB4_-EZzC7.

        • Joseph says:

          Andy, that’s our very own Tony Heller in the video!

        • AndyG55 says:

          Its so funny that Hopeless keeps on the “fossil fuel propaganda” meme.

          Its her only response to FACTS she doesn’t like, that hurt her ignorance.

          So funny from someone so addicted to everything fossil fuel.

          HYPOCRISY as well as lies and support of fraud.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Yep, there is Tony, continuing to expose the fraud and lies of the climate glitterati.

          Doesn’t need to expose Hopeless’s lies and fraud.. she does that all by herself.. no help required.

      • Hope says:

        What you post is a threat to expose your misinformation – not psychotic – but a very solid work top be doing now. I stand by that fully.

        “You asked me to send you an E-mail about doing an interview, and then started making repeated psychotic threats.”

        The facts are saved in email, aren’t they Steve?

        Do you think I will fail to expose your lies, your hack job drive-by bombastic fomenting “work” .. look what I have done so far ….. sussed out your worthless vitriol and made you publish it 😉

        I had nothing to do with you being banned from twitter .. I will get my hands on the convo, tho

        • Hope says:

          My reply starting with: “What you post is a threat to expose your misinformation – not psychotic – but a very solid work top be doing now. I stand by that fully.”

          Is an answer to this hooey ^^^^^

          ‘stevengoddard says:
          March 23, 2015 at 7:32 pm

          You asked me to send you an E-mail about doing an interview, and then started making repeated psychotic threats. You need help.”

          ANY review of the 6 articles you have done on me + our emails will clear this up for any serious person … that precludes all here it seems.

          That work is forthcoming.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Don’t like it. ? Poor little cretin.

          You can easily just block emails and not post on or read the forum.

          I’m sure that SG would be in for that agreement.

          But you can’t can you.. because THIS is all you have in your lonely worthless existence.

          Find a decent hobby FFS, before you go even more insane !

        • Lance says:

          Hope, you have no factual information to provide. You are simply a misguided, whacko shill for illiterate, ignorant, fact challenged, science clueless, marxist, power hungry, slavers and believers in pixie dust. No one doubts your fervor. Everyone doubts your claims. “Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make Mad” , Euripides , circa 500 BCE . QED. PS: “The Gods” have provided NO warming for 18+ years. It was warmer 800 years ago. It was colder with lower CO2. That said, the Religion of Warming only wants to burn books, silence discussion, persecute ideas, enslave thought, deny freedom of inquiry, deny open discussion, punish thinkers, crush research, silence individuals, and imprison facts under the illusion of factless, unproved, baseless, ideology. Yes. A large BBQ is forthcoming. It involves a lot of Red Meat, Wine, Beer, as well as Oak and Mesquite being burned appropriately. No. You are not invited. Yes. It takes place this weekend. If you insist, we shall be also firing arms and burning tyres at will. But only if you insist.

      • AndyG55 says:

        Yet all you have exposed is your own lies and investment in FRAUD.

        Not been very successful with anything else.

        Useless as well as ignorant and hopeless.

      • Joseph says:

        Yep! The best part is that she provides zero evidence of fossil fuel funding. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts.

    • AndyG55 says:

      No , Hopeless, you are the sick one… Only someone with a very putrid soul would keep coming back with your FRAUD and LIES, to be constantly shown , in public to be a raving harpy rabid activist.

      You must REALLY hate yourself.

  7. emsnews says:

    This is a girly way to win an argument: run off to authority figures that are on your own side and demand the one who is winning the verbal argument based on facts, be censored.

    Works great every time!

    The really bad stuff here is, Twitter like a lot of other goofy things (I DESPISE Twitter and never use it) is owned by freaks on the West Coast and it is warm there still, the new Little Ice Age won’t hit there for another ten years.

    So they are throwing temper tantrums demanding to make the earth much colder because they are still miraculously warm. This is one wish they will get. There is no global warming in our future, not next year or perhaps for the next 100,000 years.

    • shazaam says:

      The problem with Twitter is simple, my favorite “word” in fact. TANSTAAFL*

      Nothing “free” ever comes without strings or a hidden hook. In Twitter’s case, this includes their “right” to censor as they (and their political agenda) see fit.

      * “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” – From The Moon is a Harsh MIstress

    • Hope says:

      Or fill a blog with bombast meant to foment and get people shooting at strawmen.

      I never once claimed Steve should be censored .. anywhere at any time.

      I said his work should be exposed and seen for what it is.

      Steve says scientists work should be seen as lies and frauds .. is HE censoring??

      • AndyG55 says:

        “Or fill a blog with bombast meant to foment and get people shooting at strawmen.”

        THEN STOP DOING IT !!!

      • shazaam says:

        And yet you took the time to Twit “….. glad to see one as bombastic shutdown” ??? I do not see much difference between you celebrating censorship and demanding it.

        Perhaps your claims of “serial harassment” were not the same as demanding censorship in your mind. However if you made such claims to Twit support……..

        Personally, I think your postings make you sound like “The Delusional Moonbat From Hell”. Maybe you could layoff the pills for a while or try a different prescription.

      • Andy DC says:

        Since when is showing raw data a fraud? Especially when those that adjust the raw data are doing so in one direction, the direction that fits their predeternined “science”, enhances their radical leftist political agenda and promotes their source of funding.

      • David A says:

        Hope, would you have a debate on Steve blog, no personal insults allowed, Just you and Steve posting on say sea ice, or SL rise, or extreme weather, or etc.. you pick the topic, only you and Steve post, and no personal comments allowed?

    • Gail Combs says:

      Actually it is ~ 65,000 years before the earth is scheduled for a return to Climate Optimum warmth. —- BRRRRrrrrr

  8. Joseph says:

    Lies and harassment is all Hope knows – it’s what she does.

  9. Search for lonely spinster with a rottweiler & a jar of peanut butter.

  10. A C Osborn says:

    What is the betting that it was Hope who complained to twitter to get Steve banned?

  11. It is very useful that this Hope character showed up again to defend the Twitter censorship and suppression of views she doesn’t like and that make her look bad.

    My Progressive Boulder acquaintances always hate it when I show them the totalitarian behavior of their comrades. They don’t disagree with it but they like to control the time and place. They don’t like their hand forced when other people are watching, just as they, for example, started pontificating about free speech or somesuch.

    The Hope character here who claims to be Hope Forpeace, a Producer for AKproductions.tv, is Exhibit A.

  12. Lance says:

    If no one called for censorship, then why does Twitter cancel Goddard’s account? Someone called for censorship or his account would still be active. Logic, dear Hope. Logic. Give it a think.

  13. Lance says:

    If dozens of nameless, faceless, people, claimed that Hope’s tweets were offensive, etc, would that simply be a coincidence? btw, I’ve no twitter account and have no intention of ever having one. Just a rhetorical question.

    • gator69 says:

      You do not need an account to make a complaint.

      • Lance says:

        Didn’t know that. Thanks, gator. I had a yahoo account deleted for posting the FBI Crime Statistics by Race for 2009 on Buzz in reply to a bombastic claim by someone called darkstar. It took less than 12 hrs for the Liberals offended by statistical facts to have the account deleted. Facts that enrage the liberal point of view create a firestorm of hate directed towards the person stating facts. I’d suppose the safe thing is to have multiple fake accounts on twitter or yahoo or whatever just like the Liberals do so that there is a degree of insulation. Liberals detest logic, facts, level playing fields, equality of responsibility, and anything else that isn’t rooted in pixie dust, unicorn farts, imagination, and hurt feelings.

  14. Lance says:

    Twitter’s actions are completely in consonance with the Vision of the Anointed. See: “The Vision of the Anointed: Self Congratulation as a Basis of Social Policy” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1OOSKBR9O8) and “The Quest for Cosmic Justice” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIv4L9M1ECU ), by Dr. Thomas Sowell. These two examples completely describe the situation involved.

  15. KTM says:

    The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

    If Steve was going to her website and engaging in diarrhea of the keyboard, perhaps I could understand if she was annoyed by it. But Hope voluntarily comes to his website, creates an account, posts habitually, and then claims she is being ‘serially harassed’? -boggle-

    Reality fail.

    • Hope says:

      Did you think Steve should do hack job lie hit pieces on me .. but I should have no right to reply?

      Hmmmmm … would YOU?

      And it would never even OCCUR to me to do Steve’s kind of 4th grade work.

      • shazaam says:

        Oh my…… That was good!!!!!

        Hope. Have you ever considered that the only “hack job” Steve / Toto has done to you here, consists almostentirely of your own words posted for the world to see?? (and laugh at)!!! Steve’s contribution was some entertaining titles.

        And then you reply and it gets funnier!!!!!

        Have you considered a career in stand-up comedy? I’m being serious here.

        • AndyG55 says:

          “Have you considered a career in stand-up comedy?”

          The nagging whine would empty the old person’s home.

      • AndyG55 says:

        “Did you think Steve should do hack job lie hit pieces on me ”

        That was what YOUR intent was, to do a hack piece on him.

        You made that obvious from the very start.

        .. you are just upset because you exposed yourself. Fool !!

      • Joseph says:

        FYI, you confused the arctic with the Antarctic again in your response to
        my nasa study link.

    • Lance says:

      KTM: Bingo. Precisely what logic challenged hate mongers usually do. Create an issue, then complain vehemently about the issue they created whilst calling for the heads of those who point out such idiocy and malignant narcissism.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Yep, it takes a particularly sick sort of mentality to inundate a blog where you know you are considered a worthless piece of trash, and then complain about harassment.

      There is only one person doing the HARASSMENT here, and its not SG. !

  16. Rico L says:

    Chill out everybody (no pun intended)…..

  17. Lance says:

    Hope, just keep on telling yourself that everyone else is evil and wrong and you are the righteous defender of truth. Every dictator, criminal, malignant sociopath and psychopath for all time did the same thing to justify their insanity. That said, facts are stubborn things. Just trying to help. 🙂

    • Gail Combs says:

      ” Only one man, the wisest and strongest of all, can be entrusted with the task of building socialism. And this man must not flinch from inflicting mass killings, deliberate famines, and torture involving the suffering and deaths of many millions of people. The Wise Man must employ whatever means he deems necessary to root out the millions of enemies of the people so that he can lead men to perpetual peace, happiness, and total communization. “ —- Hope’s Hero Stalin

      • Lance says:

        Yep. The real issue is that true “Wise Men” are usually quite unobtrusive and seek to guide others by teaching, counsel, example, and such. “Unwise Men” are historically loud, judgemental, arrogant, and a counterexample to anything worthy of belief. Stalin claimed to be wise. He murdered over 80 Million of his own people to cement his wisdom. Warmists, muslims, and other sociopaths would quite possibly do the same.

  18. Gail Combs says:

    Just to remind every one….

    Hope says: “….We were in an email conversation that YOU started Steve.”

    Now that is a BALD FACED LIE!

    You posted a comment on one of Steve’s articles and started the conversation at that point. I remember it because I copied and pasted it to make sure Steve was aware of the request for an interview.

    Guess what Hopeless? Some of us have very very good memories and the tenacity to look for the evidence PROVING you are a BALD FACED LIAR!

    Here is the proof that Hopeless can not even tell the simple truth about WHO initiated contact:

    Hope says:
    <a href="https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2015/03/06/why-do-climate-alarmists-want-to-commit-genocide/#comment-498520"March 7, 2015 at 2:31 am

    I love the replies here. Stellar. You have no ‘contact’ page .. so please do contact me at [email protected] and we’ll set up that live Skype. Thanks.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Request for an interview??

      Looks more like a screeching “Give me an interview or I’ll chuck a tantrum” sort of request.
      And she has continued to throw that tantrum for quite a few weeks..
      Quite bizarre that one person can get so hung up on another, but loneliness does that, I guess.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Always seeking, seeking… someone please give her some attention ! ANYONE !!

  19. AZ1971 says:

    Good grief. “Bombastic” and “foment” are being way overused by this tool. Her whining and name-calling reminds me of kindergarten playground antics.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The whole aim of Progressive Education is not to educate but to produce an infantile, emotional stunted person, wholly dependent on others instead of an individual who can think for themselves.

      See John Dewey, Fabian and George Count, KGB agent.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Oh, and don’t forget Russia still has spies and disinfo agents here in the USA though I doubt they would be interested in someone as Hopless as Hope.

  20. One of these days, the Hopeless One will actually comment on one of Tony’s factual posts and tell us where he is wrong or lying.

    I expect we will see pigs flying the samecday!

    • gator69 says:

      Not bloody likely. Activist trolls with zero facts only emote. Regardless of your views on ‘women’s reproductive rights’, this violent and profane woman is wrong and goes on the attack as it is her only option.


      This is not a ‘clump of cells’.


      • Gail Combs says:

        Why would you think Progressives care about an unformed fetus when they don’t consider a four year old ‘human’ ?

        John Hodern, Obama’s Science Czar:

        The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being.

        Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich and John P. Holdren, Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions (W.H. Freeman and Company, 1973), p. 235.

        TRENDING: More college students support post-birth abortion

        A trend seen by prolife activists that frequently engage college students on campuses nationwide is the growing acceptance of post-birth abortion, or killing the infant after he or she is born, campus prolife outreach leaders tell The College Fix….

        “We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit,” said Mark Harrington, director of Created Equal. “While this viewpoint is still seen as shocking by most people, it is becoming increasingly popular.”….

        “There is this notion that is common on campus, that it’s OK to kill babies because somehow we don’t become human until we are self aware.”

        “A common number that is going around is 4 years old,” she adds….

        there’s an explanation for it. For one, the arguments put forth by Peter Singer and other philosophers who support infanticide are given as reading assignments to college students.

        Singer wrote in 1979 that “human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons … [therefore] the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”

        “He has been saying things like this since the 70s, but I think it has been more recently that this type of ideology is being promoted on college campuses,” Garza said. “When he said this stuff, there was a very select few who accepted it. But nowadays, we have become so desensitized, and college students lacking in a moral fiber easily accept this kind of strange ideology.”….

        Anyone who knows the philosophy of the Fabians will understand that this is PROGRESS in their view. The ultimate goal is acceptance of their philosophy as stated by George Bernard Shaw.

        “The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”

        Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296.

        “Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.”

        George Bernard Shaw: The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928, pg. 470)

        Therefore it is not surprising to find the bed of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a meeting place for the Fabians.

        “Her bed became a veritable meeting place for the Fabian upper crust: H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Bennett, Arbuthnot Lane, and Norman Haire. And of course, it was then that she began her unusual and tempestuous affair with Havelock Ellis. Ellis was the iconoclastic grandfather of the Bohemian sexual revolution…he had provided the free love movement with much of its intellectual apologia.”

        George Grant, Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood (Franklin, TN: Adroit Press, 1992),page 57.

        • gator69 says:

          I just love that fact that the idiot was wearing her Burger King uniform on camera while she violently attacked citizens on the street.

          Something tells me she is Hoping to find employment elsewhere.

          The ironic thing about Roe v Wade, is that there is a 45 year old human being out there who is very thankful that the wheels of justice moved slowly.

  21. Aphan says:

    Oh my. Forget I said anything, ever, about wondering who this “hope” person was, is. All I can hear in my head when I read her words is Varuca Salt from Willie Wonka screaming “I want credibility Daddy and I want it NOW”. Hope=Hostile Overbearing Personal Ego.

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