Censored By Mikey!

I violated Mikey’s terms of use, by presenting some actual science.

ScreenHunter_96 Mar. 10 16.21 ScreenHunter_95 Mar. 10 16.20

My post is gone …..

(1) The disinformation…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Censored By Mikey!

  1. GeologyJim says:

    Mikey is hunkered down in his snow fort, fabricating a vast trove of slushballs for the big “final shoot-out” with the eeevil, Big-Oil-funded deniers, contrarians, and anti-science skeptics.

    And he actually thinks that “anti-science skeptic” is a meaningful term.

    I hear Capt. Queeg palming his steel ball-bearings and muttering about “the strawberries”

  2. Andy Oz says:

    you would (do) let Mann, Hansen, McGibbon, Apfel, Brewski et al post on your blog and they don’t return the favour. Interesting how double standards apply when the religious leaders are threatened. Perhaps like the RC church, they might have an endemic problem. In the alarmists case, so far it appears they are just molesting the data and don’t want to be found out.

  3. Andy DC says:

    All your charts of unmanipulated data showing no warming and all your extreme weather newspaper headlines from the past are undoubtably a vast right wing conspiracy by the fossil fuel industry and the evil Koch brothers.

  4. Les Johnson says:

    I had Mike delete me from his Facebook too. Imagine my horror at being unfriended by Mike.

    He also disliked that I pointed out that his quoting Weaver’s study was wrong. He said that if all the oil was burned, it would lead to 0.5 deg of warming. Weaver said 0.3 deg. Weaver also said if economic oil was burned, it would add 0.03 deg. Mike seemed confused about the economic part, too.

  5. gator69 says:

    At least it is not your ethics that are missing.

  6. Glacierman says:

    Yes Mikey, It’s a vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

    And Mike Mann is it’s best asset. Do you how long it had to be planned to get such someone into his position using flawed science? It wasn’t easy, but those hidden forces are very powerful. Even if it means turning thing upside down (sediment?) the conspiracy is vast and powerful!

  7. Hugh K says:

    So Mike is blogging on his Facebook page?
    No irony there — “All they (skeptics) have to do is put it up on their blog, and the contrarian noise machine kicks into gear…” Mike Mann climategate 2.0 email to Andy Revkin

    I guess unfriending is cheaper than lawsuits.

  8. Rosco says:

    They have absolutely no faith in their claims else they would allow contrary points to be presented and soundly refute them.

    None of these liars allow any contrary views to remain on their sites – they delete every claim which doesn’t fit their message.

    Now – THAT is how you get consensus – eliminate opponents as practised by such progressive regimes as the Nazis and nearly every organisation of professions – says a lot I think.

    If these organisations had prevailed in the past we’d still be in the dark ages.

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