Checking In On The Super El Nino

A few months ago, leading experts were forecasting a big El Nino for this winter. In 1998 Trenberth told us that global warming causes more El Ninos.

The recent evolution of ENSO, with a major new El Niño event underway in 1997, reinforces the evidence that the tendency for more El Niño and fewer La Niña events since the late 1970s is highly unusual and very unlikely to be accounted for solely by natural variability.

El Niño and climate change

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Looks like we could be in for an unprecedented third consecutive La Nina.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Checking In On The Super El Nino

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Since none of the agw crowds predictions are based on scientific facts it is pure chance if they ever get a prediction that appears to come true . The fact that their models are 100% wrong should demonstrate to anyone that they don’t have a clue . I think I could have enjoyed an el nino this winter , looks as though we are in for our usual wet winter which is just as well as we had a dry summer .

  2. gator69 says:

    Stephen, Stephen, Stephen… you really must keep up with the neo-science of climastrology. It was clearly laid out for you on the CBS morning show…

    “CHRIS WRAGGE: Is this the same weather pattern, though, that’s affecting us that’s affecting other regions around the world? You’ve had problems in Brazil with mud slides, Australia’s going through some weather issues now. Is this the same?

    MICHIO KAKU: Similar. EL NINA, cold weather around the equator, is contributing to what’s happening in Australia. And I was in Brazil just two weeks ago, where they had monster mud slides, killed hundreds of people because of flooding. Massive flooding. And it’s summertime now in Brazil.

    CHRIS WRAGGE: In EL NINA, what are the patterns here? Is it every couple of years?

    MICHIO KAKU: Yeah, EL NINA and the North Atlantic oscillations go back and forth every few years and they last a few months. And so we have both effects helping to bring down cold air from the north, while the Earth itself is heating up, creating more moisture in the Gulf of Mexico. And when the two meet, watch out.”

    Nuff said!

    • Traditional sceptics call him Kooky KAKU. He has done some interesting work in string theory, but is also a media whore who tends to pontificate authoritatively on topics he knows nothing about. (ie., everything that is not string theory.)

      • gator69 says:

        Yeah… Don’t get me started on that nonsensical string theory. It’s about ankle deep and Candy Crowley wide, and explains everything, just like AGW. Navel gazers…

  3. S3rp1c0 says:

    I am in Brazil and I do not remember seeing monster mud slides recently around this country. Also we are not in the summertime. November is spring. And should be warmer than it is now by late November.

    • Most of the people I work with at my day job are from Brazil, and no one has said a word about it.

      • There was a lot of rainfall causing mudslides and other problems in parts if South America, due to La Nina. Parts of South America and Australia (and other places) average higher rainfall during these cycles.

    • Billy Liar says:

      The video is dated Feb 2, 2011. It’s nearly 2 years old.

      Doesn’t stop Kaku looking like an idiot though – El Niña – what the hell is that? Some crossbreed?

      • miked1947 says:

        It is what AGW Chicken Little Brigade does to the ENSO and it is unprecedented.
        Never happened before in the history of climate has there been an El Nina. We are DOOMED! 😉

  4. Andy DC says:

    Another alarmist poster child bites the dust. But never fear, our above reproach climate experts will still babble on and on about the warming oceans.

  5. Lou says:

    That sucks for Texas. It hasn’t rained at all in Texas this month.

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