Monthly Archives: November 2012

Projection In The Alarmist Community

Climate alarmists are constantly referring to the vast right-wing Koch brothers funded conspiracy of criminal climate deniers. Consider Peter Gleick – liar, fraudster, thief and head of the AGU ethics committee. They assume that because many of them are well funded liars and thieves, … Continue reading

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Moscow Heatwave Continues

For a few weeks in 2010, Moscow was the global warming canary in the coal mine. For some reason they don’t talk about Moscow any more. A large, early snowstorm raging in Moscow disrupted flights and created havoc on the … Continue reading

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Pakistan Lead Negotiator : Greenland Ice Sheet Disappeared Last Summer

It was scary enough to learn that the Himalayas would be ice-free by the year 2035, but now we find out that from Pakistan’s top climate official the Greenland ice sheet disappeared last summer. It is scary to note the … Continue reading

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Pachauri Batting 0.000 – Wants A New Contract

November 29, 2012 DOHA (Reuters) – Evidence that global warming is man-made is getting stronger, the head of a U.N. panel of climate scientists said, in a further blow to skeptics who argue rising temperatures can be explained by natural … Continue reading

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Ice Free Alaska

Sea ice in the Bering Sea is already above normal this autumn. This is because Alaska is the global warming canary in the coal mine. University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today Last November, the geniuses at the Christian Science Monitor told us … Continue reading

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The Climate Scam Of The Day – Melting Permafrost

The mindless fearmongers of the global warming cult are telling us that methane from melting permafrost due to global warming is going to kill us all. Ivan collected these newspaper accounts of melting permafrost going back more than 130 years. 1880: “The … Continue reading

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US Climate Becoming Much Less Extreme

The graph below plots the total number of all time record daily maximums plus record daily minimums set or tied for all 595 GHCN HCN stations which have been active from 1900 to the present. Both record maximums and record … Continue reading

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United Nations Comprised Of Morons

You can’t legislate the weather. You can’t prevent hurricanes. You can’t prevent tornadoes. You can’t prevent droughts. The forces behind bad weather are poorly understood, and unless you understand them, you certainly can’t even begin to consider controlling them. Atmospheric models are largely useless … Continue reading

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99.87% Of All Peer-Reviewed Papers Say That Humans Caused The Last Ice Age

13,926 reasons the deniers don’t matter November 27, 2012 11:39 PM A new study finds that 99.82 percent of all scientific papers published in the last two decades on the subject of global warming or global climate change accepted that … Continue reading

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Being James Hansen

If you are James Hansen, you get to just make numbers up and have the press believe you. The research by a man often called the “godfather of global warming” says that, from the 1950s through the 1980s, the likelihood … Continue reading

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