if the Antarctic ice regions and the major Greenland ice cap should reduce at the same rate as the present melting, oceanic surfaces would rise to catastrophic proportions
temperatures in the Arctic have increased by 10 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. An ‘enormous’ rise from the scientific standpoint.
‘The Arctic change is so serious that I hope an international agency can speedily be formed
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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How do you think the melt will go this year Steve?
In my view there is a lot of young ice just forming and this will melt quickly and so make big initial gains, but after this there is a lot of old ice and conditions this winter have not made much of that depart.
So I think big spring gains, which will be trumpeted by the AGW people no doubt and then it depends on the summer conditions whether the extent minima is less that lasts years. If it is I think it will be close.
Any thoughts so early on?
I think that the Arctic is -35C and the ice is expanding.
How about something real. What is your prediction for ManU – Chelsea?
Not quite the prediction I was expecting 🙂
By the way not sure if you have seen it but Bremen are showing AMSR2 data on their maps rather than the lesser SSMIS data they were showing since AMRS went down in October 2011
See here
I don’t actually see that much difference at the moment, either the algorithm they use makes it more the same or more likely I think it is will be summer that makes the difference with far less concentrations.
Spell Check for you. The current correct spelling in the climate community is AlGorhythm!
It was developed to support big Al’s prophecies. 😉
Funny that this is 1947.
This is exactly the year the climate shifted back to cold and was one of the worst winters in terms of snowfall and flooding.
Check out the AMO and the Northern portion of the Gulf Stream. Now we can see why the Arctic was melting so much (up to 1946-47 when the trend shifted back the other way).
(Something important to note about this chart, the AMO is a detrended measure – its increase over time is removed so that the cycles are apparent and the global warming signal, if any, is removed.
But the Northern Gulf Stream here, is NOT detrended. These are the numbers and it does not have any trend upward. It goes up and down and up and down. The only other ocean area which has no upward trend like this, is the ENSO regions. So, these two ocean oscillation systems are probably the main natural climate cycle drivers (and there are others, they just don’t seem to be as clear as these two).
in addition, this big 1946-47 drop is one thing the climate adjusters are trying to get rid of. I think if they see this chart, they might think twice about it and perhaps investigate it closer. But maybe not).
I will take credit for that tip of the climate. I was born in August 1947, so that must have been what caused the cooling! 😉
The entire fraudulent climate crisis is explained succinctly at Power to the People:
Details and references for the rise of the fraudulent climate crisis (1945-2013) are here:
I deeply regret that I could not connect the dots earlier.
With kind regards,
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
I can understand why NASA still has Hansen on the payroll.
The years 1947 is misleading, as the decrease started in winter 1939/40, (see David Herring about James Hansen):
“……. the record showed that Earth experienced a period of cooling (by about 0.3°C) from 1940 through 1970.” at : http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/GISSTemperature/giss_temperature2.php , including a temperature graphic from about 1860 to 1970 http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/GISSTemperature/Images/mitchell_QR_rt.gif , indicating a drop since the early 1940s.
Actually, the cooling started in winter 1939/40 in Europe and increased during the war. See for example the T°C in the Eastern Baltic (1880-1990) http://www.seaclimate.com/b/images/buch/big/B-2.png , or the Newsweek 1975 image: http://www.perspectivepage.com/Global_Cool_1975_NW.gif . Ahlman (*) wrote 1953 “Of course the remarkably cold winters of 1940, 1941, and 1942 play an important part in this decrease” ;
To reckon the precise timing is important. At least one will wonder that a significant warming started at the end of the First World War that ended when WWII commenced. Thoroughly discussed in a recent book; online and ToC here: http://www.seaclimate.com/_ToC/_ToC.html
(*) http://www.archive.org/stream/glaciervariation032833mbp/glaciervariation032833mbp_djvu.txt
Steven, you may wish to look over this report on Russian mud cores
2.8 Million Years of Arctic Climate Change from Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia by Martin Melles et al.