Early Spring Arrives In North Dakota

My college girlfriend was a Swedish beauty from Williston. Unlike the weather, she was very hot.

ScreenHunter_192 Mar. 18 10.48

Weather Forecast Williston, ND | Williston Weather | Wunderground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Early Spring Arrives In North Dakota

  1. squid2112 says:

    And with more snow in the forecast.

    Someone was saying something recently about drought on the plains. Really? Any takers on my bet that the Red River and Cheyanne River will flood this spring right on queue?

    There may be areas of the country that are experiencing some dry conditions, but I can assure you there is no drought in the Dakota’s, and haven’t been since the dust bowl (my grandparents and great grandparents lived through the dust bowl in North Dakota of all places).

    • squid2112 says:

      Oh, I believe that should be “cue” not “queue” … good grief, to damn much computer programming in my career. .. 🙂

  2. Lance says:

    I recorded -19 C this morning just south of Calgary….but its a warm cold….

  3. Mark Luhman says:

    I now live in Arizona but I felt my coldest morning near Williston it was -50 one Christmas Eve, I elected not to drive to Minnesota that day, That was a mistake it was around 40 on Christmas day. After 55 winters on the northern plains I hung is up, I was 82 here in Mesa today while I read the emails of my coworkers in Fargo unable to make it to work due to a Blizzard. This time of year Mesa is far better than Williston, all though I hope it warms up there soon since I will be in Williston the first week of April.

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