Met Office Revives The Barbecue Summer


ScreenHunter_428 Mar. 08 08.07

Setting the record straight in the Daily Mail

They are hoping that nobody remembers.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent

News release

11 April 2007
Met Office forecast for Summer 2007

The latest seasonal forecast from the Met Office issued today, reveals that this summer is, yet again, likely to be warmer than normal.

Following the trend set throughout 2006 and the first part of 2007, seasonal forecasters say there is a high probability that summer temperature will exceed the 1971-2000 long-term average of 14.1 °C.

They also suggest the chances of temperatures similar to those experienced in 2003 and 2006 are around 1 in 8.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Met Office Revives The Barbecue Summer

  1. Justa Joe says:

    brolly & sunblock

  2. Stephen Richards says:

    Following the trend set throughout 2006 and the first part of 2007, seasonal forecasters say there is a high probability that summer temperature will exceed the 1971-2000 long-term average of 14.1 °C.

    That’s a trend?? The Met Of don’t anyone to help them ruin their reputation they are managing very well on their own, thank you. W>ho is this idiot in Exeter.

  3. miked1947 says:

    Met just like the other so called national weather services is now an advocacy group that has been taken over by the Chicken Little Brigade and is promoting Pseudo Science.
    The need to clean their crystal balls! 😉

  4. kirkmyers says:

    The Met office needs to be disinfected. It has been thoroughly traduced by the global warming nonsense, which, unfortunately, finds its way into its medium- and long-range weather forecasts. The infusion of “climate change” politics into the agency’s management has ruined its reputation.

  5. miked1947 says:

    Delingpole was correct in his Chastisement of the MET! They spent 150 years building a reputation and they have been destroying that reputation since the 80’s..

  6. Hugh K says:

    No questioning seperation of church and state when it comes to the religion of CAGW.

    Can’t make this stuff up…..

    Met Office showcases ‘Wind Review 2012’….”in a special edition of Wind Review for the WIND ENERGY INDUSTRY.”
    “The Met Office Wind Review aims to address the concerns raised by the industry about the relatively low wind levels experienced throught the UK and Europe, particularly the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 winters, to help effectively prepare for the future.”

    Met says don’t believe your lying eyes….”The 2012 Wind Review’s site specific graphs reveal that many of these sites experienced near-average winds speeds…”

  7. tckev says:

    Please note
    “…in independent surveys, more than 90 per cent of the public regarded our warnings as useful and more than 80 per cent of UK public trust our forecast and warnings…”
    does not say that the UK public agree with their forecasts or with their accuracy.

    To say
    …in independent surveys, more than 90 per cent of the public regarded our warnings as useful for filling dead broadcast time and more than 80 per cent of UK public trust our forecast and warnings to be utterly inaccurate…
    This would not change the basics of the statement.

  8. Or on 23rd March 2012 they forecast

    The forecast for average UK rainfall slightly favours drier than average conditions for April-May-June as a whole, and also slightly favours April being the driest of the 3 months.

    April ended up being the wettest on record, with the rest of the summer the same.

  9. Billy Liar says:

    let’s not degrade the institutions on which the public rely.

    Met Office chairman, Exeter, Devon.

    He could usefully take some of his own advice.

  10. Andy DC says:

    An unseasonable cold snap for the UK during this upcoming week.

  11. Sirws says:

    Why is the author of this page citing “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent” and implying attribution to the UK Met Office? The assertion in question was not made by the Met Office but by a professor at the University of East Anglia. There is no mention of the Met Office in that referenced article. If the author is lumping all climate scientists and seasonal forecasters in the same boat then that is simply ignorant stereotyping. I suspect more likely his analytical skills lapsed in that he didn’t notice there was no reference to the Met Office because he was more driven by an ideological agenda than sound reasoning; ironically then being guilty of the same slanted approach to reasoning he/she implies proponents of the global warming group possess.

    • Met Office and CRU are incestuous organizations.

      • Sirws says:

        Fair enough but even incestuous partners can, and often do, go their own way. So it hardly implies that they are always of like mind on such precise claims.

        Either way, forecasting climate and forecasting seasonal outlooks are not the same thing and so it might be considered folly to lump global warming prognostication proponents with the BBQ summer crowd.

  12. Billy Liar says:

    The UK Met Office are soooo good at seasonal outlooks – see last years spectacular failure, otherwise known as the North Atlantic tropical storm forecast 2013:

    Technical note on snow projections

    Key findings for snow projections by the 2080s (Medium emission scenario):

    Mean of the ensemble shows reductions in snow days in all regions.
    Largest reductions (typically >70%) occur in spring and autumn, with 40–70% reductions in winter.
    Reductions are smallest for the highlands of Scotland.
    The general pattern of heavy snow events shows large reductions but with greater intra-ensemble uncertainty.
    For the whole of the UK the reductions in heavy snow events may be >80% for winter and autumn while reductions in spring may be >40%.

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