The Climate Has Gone Too Far This Time

Enough is enough. Snow threatens European football this weekend. It has been 13 years since we were promised that snow is a thing of the past.

ScreenHunter_11 Mar. 22 09.32

Europe-wide Next 3 Days Accumulated Snow

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Climate Has Gone Too Far This Time

  1. gator69 says:

    I have coworkers, whose kids first baseball games will be played with an orange ball this year.

  2. Jimbo says:

    We were also promised milder winters for the UK. This March looks set to be the coldest in 50 years with “…..temperatures up to 20C lower than last year ”

  3. Ban assault snows–anything over 10 snowballs.

    • Me says:

      That’s too extreeme, make it 5 snowballs! 😆

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Or maybe we should ban snow plows. If people are stupid enough not to have cut back on their CO2 emitting, and so global warming is causing all this winter weather, people deserve to be just stranded where they are. That’d be poetic justice.

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