Daily Archives: December 2, 2013

Ugly Americanism At NASA

Hansen’s Schmidt’s crew at GISS have taken it upon themselves to rewrite the history of Iceland, turning a cooling trend into a warming trend. Icelandic Met Office Data :en.vedur.is/Medaltalstoflur-txt/Reykjavik.txt GISS tampered data :  Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis GISS has … Continue reading

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Mann Made Climate Change

Before Mikey rewrote history, climate scientists actually did science. In the opinion of M. Auguste   Bouchayer, scientist and engineer, there were no glaciers in Europe in   the Middle Ages. In a recent communication to the Dauphine Scientific Society, he submits … Continue reading

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Dems Think That Obama Just Wasn’t Communist Enough

More liberal, populist movement emerging in Democratic Party ahead of 2016 elections – The Washington Post

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Bloomberg : CO2 To Produce Giant Scary Sea Monsters And Whirlpools And Ships Falling Off The Edge Of The Earth

Record carbon emissions have lifted the Earth’s temperature about 0.8 degrees Celsius since the industrial revolution, and the planet is on a path to exceed the UN-endorsed maximum of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming by 2100. As … Continue reading

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