As Record Cold Moves In To Colorado, NOAA Pea Brained Numb Nuts Warn of Warming

Warming and extreme dust could advance spring thaw in Colorado basin by 6 weeks

Friday, November 29, 2013

Models project that extreme dust events combined with global warming could advance the spring thaw in the mountains of the Upper Colorado River Basin by as many as 6 weeks by 2050.  The earlier disappearance of snow could amplify water disputes, extend the fire season, and stress aquatic ecosystems.

Warming and extreme dust could advance spring thaw in Colorado basin by 6 weeks | NOAA

We had our snowiest spring on record in Fort Collins and Boulder this year. Where do these morons come from?

h/t to Karl W. Braun

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to As Record Cold Moves In To Colorado, NOAA Pea Brained Numb Nuts Warn of Warming

  1. tom0mason says:

    Climatology by the brain-dead.

  2. Ivan says:

    Where do these morons come from?
    No-one knows for sure. However, I am sure that as soon as the funding is cut off they will disappear back into the cesspool they crawled out of.

  3. They said models. Scientific models. There is nothing scientific about the real world. Which do you trust more, scientific models or the real world?

  4. The Iconoclast says:

    Shall we their fond pageant see?
    Lord, what fools these mortals be!

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    And the whole world… gets colder.

    Or at least not any warmer, for almost two decades. But in the UK in particular a bunch of nutcases are running the show. From the French Tribune article Climate Change Plans of Britain are ‘staggeringly costly and excessive’: Study: “Benny Peiser, the foundation’s director, who compiled the report, said, ‘The public has absolutely no idea how staggeringly costly and excessive the Government’s climate initiatives are. Even we were shocked when we discovered the astronomical funding streams and added them up’.”

    The UK’s obsession with blowing their national wealth on “climate change” is pure lunacy or idiocy. Both actually. These guys in the UK are nutty numskulls.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    They grow on the totalitarian One World money tree that is planted to eradicate 95% of the world population.

  7. ralphcramdo says:

    “Models project that extreme dust events combined with global warming …”
    Are we talking Ford or Calvin Klein models?

  8. gator69 says:

    “Models project” whatever they are told.

  9. Mike says:

    Fort Collins got snow today. This should end all beliefs of global warming!

    • We are having our snowiest year on record in Fort Collins, and the US is experiencing historic early December cold. This proves that the Earth is heating out of control and snow is a thing of the past.

  10. Submariner says:

    This isn’t particularly insightful, but I laughed and loved the title. You have a gift.

  11. Pathway says:

    There are sequences of red soil deposited on the sides of the Grand Mesa where dust storms from the Southwest blew for long periods of time. There is nothing new when it comes to changing climate. As usual, this about sending more water to Nevada and California. Same with the Colorado River Recovery plan for endangered fish. Just send more water down the river and everything will be just fine.

  12. “global warming … could advance the spring thaw … by as many as 6 weeks…”

    As I’ve commented here before, it doesn’t take a great brain to see this in a saner light. Groundhog Day is in the middle of winter, about 6 weeks, that is, before the start of spring. So obviously, long tradition already recognizes that the start of spring weather comes 6 weeks early, often enough to make a lasting celebration of the fact. The “experts”–in political propaganda, not science, nor common sense–hope you are too scared to even think of Groundhog Day, and what it means.

  13. Brian D says:

    Try this on for size. Look at the departures from normal coming by this weekend in the central US.
    Very frigid for this time of year. Up to 40 deg F below average.

    NE MN getting hit hard with snow. Already 10-20″ of snow with another 10-20″ by tomorrow night. Lake Superior really putting it down around here along with the storm system.
    0155 PM HEAVY SNOW 5 N TWO HARBORS 47.10N 91.68W
    5 INCHES SINCE 0930L.

    0200 PM SNOW 7 NW TWO HARBORS 47.10N 91.78W
    12/03/2013 M19.5 INCH LAKE MN CO-OP OBSERVER

  14. R. Shearer says:

    “We had our snowiest spring on record in Fort Collins and Boulder this year. Where do these morons come from?”

    Ft. Collins and Boulder, mostly.

  15. D. Self says:

    They come from? the pit of hell??

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