Daily Archives: December 3, 2013

Blowtorch Update

  Steve Goddard (SteveSGoddard) on Twitter

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New York Times : Obama Solves Health Care Costs

The New York Times published their usual fraudulent Obama puff piece claiming that Obamacare is beating cost expectations, but buried in the article is text explaining that it is actually the Obamadepression keeping costs down. Economists broadly agree that the … Continue reading

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Obama’s Chicago Sons Murder Five Year Old – No Speech From The Oval Office

Larry Cox, 28, of the 1400 block of West 85th Street, faces first-degree murder charges and an attempted murder charge in connection to the June 28 incident. Cox and Antonio Lewis, 18, who is already charged in the dual killings, … Continue reading

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Massive Gain In Thick Western Arctic Sea Ice

Last year at this time, there was almost no one metre thick ice in the western Arctic sea ice. Now it dominates the region.   1/12° Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System (ACFNS) Archive

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