Daily Archives: December 5, 2013

Under My Plan Of Lie And Evade, Healthcare Costs Will Necessarily Skyrocket

On February 23, 2011, Barbara Hollingsworth reported in the Washington Examiner that in 2010, the CEO of IBM offered the Obama administration a free software program that would have cut Medicare and Medicaid fraud by almost a trillion dollars, but … Continue reading

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Disagreeing With Dear Leader Is Treason

December 5, 2013 at 4:54 pm

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Obama Explains Why He Lied About Healthcare


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Trying To Minimize My Fossil Fuel Consumption

President Obama has lived up to his promise of making electricity prices skyrocket. In accordance with his wishes, I have cut way back on electricity usage during this cold snap, and am instead burning huge quantities of firewood.

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Keeping Up With The Latest Developments In A Dynamic Science

Steve Goddard (SteveSGoddard) on Twitter

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Presidential Speech Today

President Obama is set to announce today that he is declaring all Americans to be incompetent, and incapable of making their own decisions. His recent slide in the opinion polls has convinced him that the American public just isn’t smart … Continue reading

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Australia Permanent Drought Update

Sydney in November 2013: Wettest November since 1984 Temperature – Mild conditions across the city Sydney in November 2013

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Obama’s Plan To Rip Off Struggling Young People, Runs Into Problems

A poll released Wednesday by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics found that more than half of 18- to 29-year-olds disapprove of ObamaCare and believe it will raise their healthcare costs. Even more troubling for the administration is that less than … Continue reading

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Climate Experts Warn That Colorado Doesn’t Get Cold Enough To Kill Pine Beetles Anymore


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If You Think Healthcare Is Expensive Now, Just Wait Until It Is Free

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLtssFSzFlE&feature=youtu.be] h/t to Dave G

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