Daily Archives: December 5, 2013

Former President Explains The Threat Posed By Edward Snowden

“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.” — Thomas Jefferson

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Without Global Warming, It Would Be 0.6 Degrees Colder

Experts say that it just doesn’t get cold enough anymore to kill the pine beetles. WunderMap® | Interactive Weather Map and Radar | Weather Underground

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A Simpler Way To Deal With Terrorists

No buildings collapsed, no wars – just a 10 cent bullet. The Palm Beach Post – Google News Archive Search

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Obama Appoints Obamacare Software Czar


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If You Like Your Ice Age, You Can Keep Your Ice Age

  10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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NSA To Autoenroll Americans Into Obamcare

NSA already has everyone’s personal information, and can hack their way into Obamacare – saving millions of Americans the aggravation of Obama’s useless $600 million website. NSA collects 5 billion records a day on cellphones For a small additional fee, … Continue reading

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Smoking Gun That NCDC Temperature Adjustments Are A Complete Fraud

Raw US HCN data matches RSS satellite US data very closely. This tells us that the raw data is fine, and there is no need to adjust it. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ But the problem for NOAA is that the … Continue reading

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Isn’t That His Job?

Reid: Boehner will ‘cave in’ on immigration | TheHill Why would Boner do anything different than he normally does?

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Obama To Save Colorado From Global Warming

http://wxug.us/1aj57 I just took me half an hour to ride my bike a mile. Cars mess up the snow and ruin all the cycling fun.

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