Daily Archives: December 6, 2013

Beetles Concert

Rumor is that Bono is going to hold a concert for the freezing Pine Beetles in Wyoming. Yellowstone National Park, WY Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

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Understanding Arctic Air

Climate experts tell us that the Arctic is melting, and all the ice is disappearing. Apparently the same Arctic air gets much colder as it moves south. 10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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Obama Gives Greens The Thumbs Up To Murder The National Bird

The Obama administration has nearly finalized a rule that would give energy companies lengthy permits for wind farms that end up killing bald and golden eagles.   Hundreds of thousands of birds are killed every year after flying into large … Continue reading

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The Geese Have Flown The Coop

Normally we have a lot of Canada Geese in Fort Collins in December, but I haven’t heard any for three days. I wonder why not? Fort Collins Weather Station Custom Data Plots

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World’s Greatest Climatologist Forecast Five Degrees Warming By 2010

Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Google News Archive Search

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Most Climate Scientists Believe That Climate Change Discussion Is Driven Largely By Politics

A survey of climate scientists by Hans von Storch, found that most believe that the discussion of climate change is driven largely by politics, and that climate change presents opportunities for economic growth. http://bit.ly/1cpb6oS  Here are some of the comments from … Continue reading

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Understanding UHI

Temperatures in downtown Denver are 5-10 degrees warmer than surrounding areas, so Hansen has to adjust them up further. http://wxug.us/1am9u 

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2012 Was Climate – The Other Years Are Just Weather

According to NOAA, 2012 was a manifestation of climate – but the 15 year decline in temperatures is just weather. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

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JAXA – Changing The Past For The Good Of The Climate

JAXA recently changed their Arctic sea ice algorithm, to move 2013 (red) from above the 2000’s mean, to below it. Sea_Ice_Extent_L.png (1440×900) Sea_Ice_Extent_v2_L.png (1440×900)

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Interpol Needs BOM’s New Colored Crayon For South Africa Murder Rates

If you lived 100 years in South Africa, your odds of being murdered are greater than one in ten. Crime in South Africa: Small mercies | The Economist I’m guessing that not many people live to be 100 years old … Continue reading

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