Daily Archives: December 7, 2013

1894-1902 Drought Killed Half Of The Livestock In Queensland

In Queensland, the 1902 drought was the culmination of eight years that were dry more often than not over most areas. These years had a devastating effect on stock numbers: sheep numbers fell from 91 million to 54 million, and … Continue reading

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In 1986, The World’s Greatest Climatologist Predicted Nine Degrees US Warming By The 2020’s

The Pittsburgh Press – Google News Archive Search

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0% Of Climate Scientists Believe That Environmental Groups Tell The Truth

From Hans von Storch’ survey of climate scientists. None of the respondents said that green groups’ reporting of climate change was “very accurate”

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How About “Total Buffoon?”

Dr. Hansen is also the man who has probably done more to put global warming on the global agenda than any other living human being. And while he is occasionally given to rhetorically jumping the shark, his concerns are based … Continue reading

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