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Daily Archives: December 8, 2013
Someone Help These Poor People In Mexico
Akumal Beach Webcam: LocoGringo Webcam: Riviera Maya Mexico Once the missing heat returns, this place is going to be living hell, without a Margarita in each hand.
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Understanding Catastrophic Global Warming
Catastrophic global warming is complete bullshit, based on corrupted data sets, failed theory, massive Big Government money, confirmation bias, and driven by a small handful of morons posing as scientists.
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Q4 2013 Will Be One Of The Coldest On Record In The US
October/November were tenth coldest on record in the US (before NOAA/GISS tampering.) Also note that October/November temperatures have been declining since the year 1900 in the US. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ Almost the entire US was below normal temperature during the … Continue reading
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If You Like Your Junk Science, You Can Keep Your Junk Science
Obama to Declare Carbon Dioxide Dangerous Pollutant (Update1) – Bloomberg http://sciencewithme.com/learn-about-photosynthesis/ …
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Science Under The Influence
Mars has 95% CO2 and is very cold. Venus has 95% CO2 and is very hot. The partial pressure of CO2 on Mars is 14X higher than on Earth. The surface of Mars receives more solar insolation than the surface … Continue reading
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All Trees In California/Orgon Killed By Pine Beetles
Climate experts tell us that the temperature has to get down to -40 for Beatles albums to stop reproducing. Since that never happens in California, we can safely assume that all the trees are dead. 27 Jun 1924 – THE … Continue reading
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Shock News : Obama Lied About Syria
But in recent interviews with intelligence and military officers and consultants past and present, I found intense concern, and on occasion anger, over what was repeatedly seen as the deliberate manipulation of intelligence. One high-level intelligence officer, in an email … Continue reading
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Karl Marx Brought Social Justice And Human Liberation
Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818–March 14, 1883), the visionary, the seer of social justice. He stands tall among the prophets of human history. He provided a philosophical framework for human liberation from the shackles of injustice and exploitation in … Continue reading
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Trenberth’s Timing Is Impeccable
Temperatures at Trenberth’s Boulder office have remained below -15ºC for five consecutive days, so he publishes that it is hot at the bottom of the sea. An apparent hiatus in global warming? – Trenberth – 2013 – Earth’s Future – … Continue reading
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