Daily Archives: December 18, 2013

Eight Years After The Passage Of Arnie’s Carbon Tax, California Is Reaping The Rewards

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Let’s Pretend This Isn’t Important

James Holmes was studying drug induced alternate reality at the University of Colorado, and his father works for DARPA.

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5,000 Years Of Mann-Made Global Warming

h/t to Dave G

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If You Like Your Fake Temperatures, You Can Keep Your Fake Temperatures

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @NOAA @afreedma By tampering …

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There Is No Physical Mechanism Which Can Explain NOAA’s Adjustments

UHI would require a linear adjustment – in the other direction.

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They Just Want An Honest Debate

Reddit has banned skeptics, because alarmists weren’t able to counter skeptic’s arguments CNN actually permitted a debate, and that got alarmists very upset. Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @reddit believes that they …

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A Blessing For The People Of Russia

Obama decided that he can make another speech about himself from a warmer vacation spot.

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1911 : Ancient Glaciers Disappearing During NASA’s Coldest Years Ever

Papers Past — New Zealand Herald — 11 November 1911 — ANCIENT GLACIERS DISAPPEAR.

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1890 Low CO2 Tornado Wrecked Many Towns And Lifted A School House Into The Air

Papers Past — Evening Post — 23 June 1890 — TERRIBLE CYCLONE IN ILLINOIS.

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November Was The Second Coldest On Record In Antarctica

NOAA says that November was the hottest on record. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt

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