1895 : Winter Bush Fires Devastated NSW

Remember when team climate scum told us in October that bush fires never used to happen this early?

ScreenHunter_127 Dec. 13 11.06


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1895 : Winter Bush Fires Devastated NSW

  1. Aard Knox says:

    This was the beginning of the so-called Federation drought which only got worse until it broke in 1902. See here: http://www.bom.gov.au/lam/climate/levelthree/c20thc/drought1.htm
    There is evidence from old writings that a drought which began in the mid-1820s and ended in 1842 may have been much worse but there were fewer people/domestic animals then. Significantly the aborigines were still in charge of landscape maintenance over most of Australia too so there were fewer devastating fires.

  2. Anthony S says:

    Quick question; Cairo just got snow, when was the last time it snowed there?


    The article says a hundred years but it seems like its just usiing that as a stand in for a really long time.

  3. Ragtag Media says:

    Must be Da Jooo’s fault OR Bush.. wait Israel is hit as well.
    Massive snowstorm shuts down Jerusalem; police to residents: Stay indoors

  4. Rosco says:

    In August 2009 Brisbane hit an unusual 35.4 C maximum with a few days over 30 C.

    August maximums are typically at least 10 degrees cooler than this unusual temperature.

    The fires in NSW were due to the persistent winds and lack of humidity combined with a large build-up in fuel load from previous prolonged rain periods.

    I am amazed that people whose houses burnt can get insurance. A lot of the area affected by those fires is the proverbial “sitting duck”. Fire devastation there is inevitable fairly frequently.

    The Australian bush can be lovely but it burns with a fearsome ferocity when the conditions are right due to the predominance of eucalyptus trees.

  5. tom0mason says:

    Younger people with an attention span barely reaching 10 minutes, what chance is there that they would try researching back over 100 years or more? Even with a computer, the time concocting a search then interpreting the text could take an hour or more. So that’s a none starter then.

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