1936 Shock News : The Hockey Stick Is Garbage

Between A.D. 450 and 1000, the weather was much warmer and drier than it is now. During that time the Northmen constantly invaded England. The North Sea was generally calm, and their voyages were easy. What is more, they rowed across the North Atlantic to Greenland, which really was green in those days, and even to Canada.

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22 Oct 1936 – Matters of Current Interest WHEN THE NEXT ICE AG…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1936 Shock News : The Hockey Stick Is Garbage

  1. Andy DC says:

    Did the Romans keep any kind of weather records, or at least comment on weather events across their Empire?

  2. If you are prepared to have your mind broadened by a wider understanding of the ancient past–not limited to climate records, for example, but who travelled where, and spread their civilizations to a greater or lesser extent–read “America B.C” (1976), by anthropologist Barry Fell. The book details evidence for settlers from many lands (Celts, Libyans, Egyptians, etc.) in North America, between roughly the 10th and 6th centuries BC. This is a rich new/old source of information about the not-so-ancient western world (information characteristically dismissed and neglected by academics for well over a century, in their mad pursuit of an easy, uniformitarian and meaningless consensus). Plato wrote, quoting Egyptian priests who spoke to Solon when the latter visited Egypt around 600 BC, that after the disappearance of Atlantis–which I alone re-discovered, and verified, in my greater research (see “Atlantis At Last”, for example)–the Atlantic to the west of the Pillars of Heracles (now known as the Straits of Gibraltar) was an impassable muddy shoal, even into Plato’s own time in the 4th century BC; the evidence, however, as shown by Fell over 35 years ago, is that many peoples were able to cross the Atlantic nearly 3,000 years ago, and leave good evidence of their presence in North America. (Immanuel Velikovsky, writing between 1940 and 1975, has independently reconstructed the history of that time, and should also be read and studied by any who want to know the truth about where academics went wrong in the field of ancient dating, before about 600 BC.) Vikings in Greenland is just the tip of an ancient-world-sized iceberg. My own discoveries relate primarily to thousands of years earlier–the time when the “gods” walked the Earth, and their earthbound offspring, who ruled “by divine right” after them.

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